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Money Advice Scotland Annual Conference & Exhibition 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Money Advice Scotland Annual Conference & Exhibition 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Money Advice Scotland Annual Conference & Exhibition 2016
Crieff Hydro, 2nd & 3rd June 2016

2 BADA(S) 2015: Debtor Applications - The story so far

3 Debtor application statistics
Stats (1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016) 2778 applications submitted 86% BASYS 14% Clerical 2593 awards made 1380 MAP (53.2%) 1213 Full Administration (46.8%)

4 Debtor Contribution Order (DCO) statistics
DCO is set by AiB at same time as award of bankruptcy 503 DCO’s set 142 (28%) where AiB trustee 361 (72% where nominated IP Average DCO level = £101.40 Average for AiB cases = £56.68 Average for IP cases = £109.83

5 Main changes to application process
Money Advisers Role Money Adviser role is mandatory in the application process Ensuring evidence is provided which supports the debtor’s application Signing of a money adviser declaration Common Financial Tool (CFT) The aim of the Common Financial Tool is to achieve consistency and transparency in relation to any determination of the level of contribution Current CFT is the Common Financial Statement (CFS) operated by Money Advice Trust

6 Main changes to application process
Debtor Contribution Order (DCO) DCO is made by The Accountant in Bankruptcy Contribution is fixed at award of bankruptcy in a debtor application Debtors full surplus income set as DCO Minimal Asset Process (MAP) Lower application fee (£90) Discharged after 6 months No contribution Specific criteria such as level of debt and no assets

7 Returned applications
Average 90% of applications returned for further information/evidence Main reasons for returning applications: Insufficient evidence of Income and Essential expenditure Inaccurate Income and Expenditure on application against evidence supplied resulting in DCO Single Income but full household expenditure MAP applications not meeting criteria (debt level over £17,000 or surplus income identified)

8 Refused Applications 87 (3%) applications refused over year
Main reasons for refusal: Required evidence not provided within timescale (21 days) Creditor Petition lodged with Warrant to Cite granted, preceding date of debtor application Debtor sequestrated in last 5 years or in a Live PTD when application made Debtor not meeting MAP criteria and failing to pay additional application fee (£110) for Full Administration

9 BASYS application Vs Clerical application
Average 14% clerical applications submitted over year 17% in Quarter 1, reducing to 9% in Quarter 3 80% of clerical applications returned on receipt as incomplete BASYS application Clerical application Immediate submission to AiB Posting time delays receipt Potential to be submitted and awarded on same day Application returned if incomplete, causing delay Quicker debt relief for individual Takes up to 2 hours for AiB staff to build application onto BASYS Environmental savings as less paper used

10 Thank you Tel: 0300 200 2853 Top Tips:
If you are presenting to an audience outwith the agency then it is always good to include your contact details, should a member of your audience want to follow up on your presentation. If you are presenting to colleagues then just delete the text box. Tel: 1 Pennyburn Road, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, KA13 6SA T F W

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