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ADULT RECRUITMENT Total Time 25 minutes this is going to be a very quick introduction to adult recruitment and some tips and tricks. There is a lot of.

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Presentation on theme: "ADULT RECRUITMENT Total Time 25 minutes this is going to be a very quick introduction to adult recruitment and some tips and tricks. There is a lot of."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADULT RECRUITMENT Total Time 25 minutes this is going to be a very quick introduction to adult recruitment and some tips and tricks. There is a lot of information on including the print centre, you have the Regional Services Team to help as well as local development volunteers but self help is a good place to start (2 minutes) (2 minutes)

2 If you sound desperate about needing new adults it is less likely to work – I know, sometimes the ‘titanic is sinking’ approach does bring in new adults but have the joined for the right reasons and will they stay?

3 Remember? This is why we joined in the first place – someone told us we would get to have fun – if you are not enjoying your Scouting then it is going to be more difficult to encourage new adults!

4 Where do our Adults come from? What do we actually need them to do?
Tried & Tested Methods of Recruiting new adults We are going to be looking at these three areas today

Yep you probably have – but it doesn’t mean you cant do it again – different cohort of parents, different adults already in the group – different circumstance and approach. All sorts of reasons why it might work this time – what have you got to lose?

6 The Volunteer Cycle We often hear ourselves saying ‘we need more adults…we need more adults??? Do we? What we really need is a plan…what do we want them to do? Where are we going to promote/recruit?... Are we ready to look after new adults when they arrive?... It may surprise you to know that we are actually very good at recruiting adults we just aren't very good at keeping them!

7 Adult Recruitment Research
Section based roles 40-45% parents of youth members 40-45% “came through the Movement” Remaining 10-20% wide variety of sources but... majority have / have had some connection with Scouting Very few come from: recruitment stands advertising campaigns national websites This speaks for itself – so where do you want to use your valuable time recruiting?

8 Where do our Adults come from?
Best resource ever – treat them well – not just doing the drinks and games and you have leaders of the future!

9 We need ‘LEADERS’’….. Do we??
Teams not titles Tasks not Roles Group SAS Practical Flexible Scouting Some really key messages here – don’t ask someone to be ‘Akela’ or the Cub Scout leader – they wont know what you mean they will think they can’t do it and you will scare them off – ask them if they could help with ‘something’ to start with – advertise the tasks not the whole role. More people doing less having more fun is the answer! So where do we start! Volunteering has changed… Scouting must change What we are asking for too…

10 House Doctor Your Group
If you are going to recruit new adults you MAY need to look inwardly first. Does our HQ and existing adults make people feel welcome – if they want to volunteer can they find you/contact you, would you want to volunteer in somewhere that looks like this!

11 Remember that the side of the premises may also be seen from the road and this looks untidy and uncared for. Its also a really good way for vandals to get on your roof and steal your lead! Looking with fresh eyes can help you

12 Bet there are no lights and in the winter it is going to get really muddy and is there a sign at the entrance with contact details?

13 Its clean, tidy and has a good sign with a contact number
If we recruit adults to help us maintain the tidyness externally it can be easily maintained.

14 A HQ sign? External sign- important to let people know you are there and how they can get in touch Internal Sign- great for borrowed venues all avaible to design on the print centre

15 Parent Pack & ‘Induction’
Vacancy Boards Time & Talent 4 Week Challenge PARENT ENGAGEMENT Parent Rota Big Adventure This slide starts with the centre and then each word flies in More resources avaible on the print centre to help with your recruitment Cub Cafe Activity open night Parent Pack & ‘Induction’ Beaver Bistro

16 Vacancy board – every Groups not so secret weapon to recruit adults
Vacancy board – every Groups not so secret weapon to recruit adults. This is where the tasks not titles really come in – there is a handout on how to use a vacancy board, first rule – brightly coloured card – second rule, make them funny, third rule no role descriptions allowed!

17 This slide starts with just a couple of things and the rest fly in, there are lots, talk about each aspect they don’t all stand alone they can be Combined both the resources and strategies.

18 Six Step Approach ASK Define the task Skills & Qualities Promote/
Name Generation Best choice Target ASK Welcome Six Step Approach These are the six steps you will go through, starting with define the task and it is an ever turning circle – if you do this all the time you will constantly bring in new enthusiastic people. Remember your vacancy board is part of this – it ticks the boxes for define the task, skills and qualities needed, name generates and does half the ask! All you have to do is say yes and make people feel welcome!

19 Volunteering Websites
Lots of volunteering websites you can use – same rule as vacancy boards – make the adverts sound fun and tasks, teams not titles.

20 The Ask! Think about how & when to approach people/follow up enquiries
Have confidence and enthusiasm People like people like themselves First impressions Think about what image we are giving out

21 Why do adults leave?? Not very welcoming Lack of training/support
Lack of Time Disagreements with other adults Last but not least you want to keep people don’t you? Then be friendly and supportive – the training is a positive not an ‘oh and by the way’ make sure people know what you want them to do and how to do it and make them feel included and wanted.

22 We even have a booklet avaible from Scout shops or to download with how to do it!

23 Now all you have to do is go and make it happen!

24 But remember !

25 And of course!

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