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The ESS Neutrino Super Beam and associated large Cherenkov Detector Design Study Lund 2014 M. Dracos.

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Presentation on theme: "The ESS Neutrino Super Beam and associated large Cherenkov Detector Design Study Lund 2014 M. Dracos."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ESS Neutrino Super Beam and associated large Cherenkov Detector Design Study
Lund 2014 M. Dracos

2 Design Study Structure (preliminary)
WP1: management WP2: Linac (ESS, Uppsala, CERN) Power upgrade Cooling upgrade H- source WP3: Accumulator (ESS, CERN, Uppsala, Strasbourg) Design Transfer lines Switchyard Stripping WP4: Target Station (RAL, Cracow, Strasbourg, Uppsala) Target Collector Decay Tunnel WP5: Detectors (Uppsala, Sofia, Strasbourg, Lund) Underground site Far detector Near detector WP6: Physics Performance (KTH, Madrid, Lund, Durham) CP violation Mass Hierarchy Astroparticles Proton lifetime Lund 2014 M. Dracos

3 Project Overview p π ν accumulator Beam switchyard system decay tunnel
proton beam target hadrons Far detector physics ⨂B Near detector collector Lund 2014 M. Dracos

4 WP2: Linac (preliminary)
H- source doubling the output power from the RF sources Power dissipation "Accidental" stripping of H- ions in magnetic fields Chopping Lund 2014 M. Dracos

5 LINAC workpackages Energy Upgrade Safety Costing Front end
Source RFQ design Chopping Beam physics H- Losses Transport RF sources and Cooling RF amplifiers and modulators cooling Electronics Control system Diagnostics Energy Upgrade Safety Costing

6 WP3: Accumulator (preliminary)
Design (how many accumulators?) Transfer lines Stripping Fast kicker Multi-turn extraction Switchyard Possibility to accelerate in this ring??? Sharing of the accumulator with neutron users? accumulator Beam switchyard system Lund 2014 M. Dracos

7 Workpackages for Accumulator
Accumulator Design (including injection & extraction), collimation and beam dynamics Injection stripping of H- Transfer lines and switch yard design Layout and civil engineering of accumulator, target and transfer lines Estimation of radiation (mitigation) for safety, handling and equipment tolerances Costing (if not included elsewhere) 13/03/14 EUROnuSB Lund, E. Wildner

8 WP4: Target Station (preliminary)
Design (EUROnu SB good starting point) Target Horn Power supply (horn pulser) Cooling Beam window Decay tunnel Beam dump Shielding, radiations, activation Split Proton Beam Neutrino Beam Direction Collimators Horns and Targets Decay Volume (He, 4x4x25 m3) Beam Dump Lund 2014 M. Dracos

9 WP breakdown structure ESSνSB-secondary beam
topics subtopics Target station Target Horn Four targets/horns assembly Horn’s power supply Decay tunnel Beam dump Muon monitors Alternative hadron collectors Design (all) Beam window (target station) Physics (target-horn-decay tunnel) Cooling (all) Shielding, irradiations, etc… (all) Cost (all) Safety (all) Target-horn-decay tunnel interconnected. Each topic includes subtopics Thanks ESSνSB, Lund

10 WP5: Detectors (preliminary)
migration matrices Near detector design and cross-sections Far detector design Photodetectors Underground site Simulation Migration matrices far detector near detector (K2K) Lund 2014 M. Dracos

11 2nd ESSnuSB Meeting in Lund Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University
Far Detector and Underground Site Work Packages and Tasks for the EU/Horizon 2020 ESSnuSB Design Study 1. Underground site 1.1 Site location and access 1.2 Cavern shape, excavation and reinforcement 1.3 Cavern services infrastructures and safety 1.4 Relation to the concurrent Boliden mining activity 2. Far Detector 2.1 Photo-detectors with cables, high voltage and read-out electronics 2.2 Water supply and purification 2.3 Detectors and water quality monitoring 2.3 Data acquisition and computing 2.3 Simulation and reconstruction of signal and background, 3. Near Detector -location -technology (water target) -cross-sections 4. Cost 2nd ESSnuSB Meeting in Lund Tord Ekelöf Uppsala University

12 WP6: Physics (preliminary)
Performance for CPV and MH Solar neutrinos Atmospheric neutrinos Proton lifetime SN explosions SN neutrino "relics" Lund 2014 M. Dracos

13 Short Pulses and DAR experiments (with neutron target)
Possible if short pulses (~μs) ~99% capture e -   2.2 μs Well known neutrino spectra (DAR). Very high neutrino intensities ~ 5x1015 n/s. Separate neutrinos of different flavors by time cut. Role that neutrino-nucleus interactions play in the supernova explosion process and subsequent nucleosynthesis. Accurate knowledge of neutrino-nucleus cross sections is important (almost no data exist). This lack of knowledge significantly limits our understanding of supernovae and of terrestrial observations of cosmic neutrinos to probe the deepest layer of these powerful explosions. A + p DAR e+ +   26 ns   Fragments (SNS) Lund 2014 M. Dracos

14 Design Study (preliminary)
Duration: 4 years Requested budget from EU: 3 MEUR (max.) Total cost of the project: ~7-8 MEUR (9.6 for ERC-Synergy) Which budget for mine investigations (3 MEUR for ERC Synergy Grant)? Deliverables and milestones to be defined later on Participants for ERC Synergy Grant University of Madrid: Physics STFC-RAL: Target and Target Station Strasbourg: Target Station, horn, power supply, detector Uppsala: linac, far detector location CERN: linac, accumulator ESS: linac, accumulator Task sharing Lund 2014 M. Dracos

15 Developing New World-Class research Infrastructures (H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1)
Lund 2014 M. Dracos

16 Developing New World-Class research Infrastructures (H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1)
Specific challenge: New leading-edge research infrastructures in all fields of science and technology are needed by the European scientific community in order to remain at the forefront of the advancement of research, and to be able to help industry strengthen its base of knowledge and its technological know-how. The aim of this activity is to support the conceptual and technical design and preparatory actions for new research infrastructures, which are of a clear European dimension and interest. Major upgrades of existing infrastructures may also be considered if the end result is intended to be equivalent to, or capable of replacing, an existing infrastructure. Scope: Design studies should address all key questions concerning the technical, legal and financial feasibility of new or upgraded facilities, leading to a 'conceptual design report' showing the maturity of the concept and forming the basis for identifying and constructing the next generation of Europe's and the world's leading research infrastructures. Conceptual design reports will present major choices for design alternatives and associated cost ranges, both in terms of their strategic relevance for meeting today's and tomorrow's societal challenges, and (where applicable) in terms of the technical work underpinning the development of new or upgraded research infrastructures of European interest. All fields of science are considered. Lund 2014 M. Dracos

17 Developing New World-Class research Infrastructures (H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1)
The activities that could be performed in a Design Study proposal include: -    Scientific and technical work, i.e. (1) the drafting of concepts and engineering plans for the construction, as well as the creation of final prototypes for key enabling technologies and implementation plans for transfer of knowledge from existing prototypes to the new research infrastructure; (2) scientific and technical work to ensure that the beneficiary scientific communities exploit the new facility from the start with the highest efficiency, including the introduction of new processes or software.    Strategic work, i.e. (1) plans to integrate harmoniously the new infrastructure into the European fabric of related facilities in accordance, whenever appropriate, with the Community objective of balanced territorial development; (2) the identification of the best possible site(s) for setting up new facilities; (3) the estimated budget for construction and operation (4) the design of a workable legal (e.g. an ERIC) and governance structure; (5) the planning of research services to be provided at international level.            The main outcomes of the projects funded under this action will be conceptual or technical design reports for new or upgraded research infrastructures, When the Design study includes scientific and technical work it should be implemented as a Research and innovation action, otherwise as a Coordination and support action. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. Lund 2014 M. Dracos

18 Developing New World-Class research Infrastructures (H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1)
Expected impact:  Funding bodies for research infrastructures become aware of the strategic and funding needs of the scientific community. Policy bodies at the national level (e.g. funding bodies, governments), at European level (e.g. ESFRI) and internationally (e.g. the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Global Science Forum) have a sound decision basis to establish long-range plans and roadmaps for new research infrastructures of pan-European or global interest. The technical work carried out under this topic will contribute to strengthening the technological development capacity and effectiveness as well as the scientific performance, efficiency and attractiveness of the European Research Area. Type of action: Coordination and support actions or Research and innovation actions Lund 2014 M. Dracos

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