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初中基础 (2274期 ) 6版 How people name their children

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Presentation on theme: "初中基础 (2274期 ) 6版 How people name their children"— Presentation transcript:

1 初中基础 (2274期20150918) 6版 How people name their children

2 Pre-reading Is there any story behind your Chinese name? Introduce it to your classmates.

3 Pre-reading Do you know how parents name their children in foreign countries?

4 While reading Answer the following questions.
How many names does a Spanish child usually have? Parents give their children names in Nigeria, don’t they? A Spanish child usually has four names. No, they don’t.

5 While reading Answer the following questions.
When and where do other people learn a newly born’s name in Nigeria? How do parents name their children in Turkey? On a party on the eighth day after the child’s birth. They name their children according to the time of their birth.

6 Language study Translate each sentence with one phrase in the article.
让我看看那对耳环可以吗? 你最近买的那条连衣裙和我的一模一样。 根据计划,会议将于三点开始。 May I take a look at that pair of earrings? The dress you bought recently is the same as mine. According to the plan, the meeting will begin at three.

7 After reading Surf the Internet and find out how people name their children in other countries. Share the information with your classmates.

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