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Definition: Function, Domain, and Range

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1 1.2 (a) Functions and their properties…domain, range, continuity, discontinuity.

2 Definition: Function, Domain, and Range
A function from a set D to a set R is a rule that assigns to every element in D a unique element in R. The set D of all input values is the domain of the function, and the set R of output values is the range of the function. Common notation: y = f(x) Here, x is the independent variable, and y is the dependent variable

3 VLT!!! (not a tasty BLT sandwich…)
Vertical Line Test: A graph (set of points (x, y)) in the x-y plane defines y as a function of x if and only if no vertical line intersects the graph in more than one point.

4 Yup!!! Nope!!! Heck Naw!!! Yessir!!!
Which of the following are graphs of functions? Yup!!! Nope!!! Heck Naw!!! Yessir!!!

5 Finding Domain and Range
Agreement for Domain: Unless we are dealing with a model (like volume) that necessitates a restricted domain, we will assume that the domain of a function defined by an algebraic expression is the same as the domain of the algebraic expression, the implied domain. For models, we will use a domain that fits the situation, the relevant domain.

6 Finding Domain and Range
Find the domain of the following functions (support graphically): The key question: Is there anything that x could not be??? Always write your answer in interval notation:

7 Finding Domain and Range
Find the domain of the following functions (support graphically): What are the restrictions on x ? Interval notation:

8 Finding Domain and Range
Find the range of the given function (use any method). What are the possible y-values for this function???

9 Finding Domain and Range
Find the range of the given function (use any method). Check the graph…

10 The Concept of Continuity
Algebraically, a function is continuous at x = a if Read “the limit of f (x) as x approaches a is f (a)” Graphically, a function is continuous at a particular point if the graph does not “come apart” at that point.  Let’s apply this with some examples…

11 How does that “limit definition”
The Concept of Continuity Continuous at all x How does that “limit definition” apply???

12 Removable Discontinuity
The Concept of Continuity Removable Discontinuity at x = a Why is it called “removable”? a

13 The Concept of Continuity
Jump Discontinuity at x = a a

14 Infinite Discontinuity
The Concept of Continuity Infinite Discontinuity at x = a a

15 Homework: p odd

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