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Presentation Nuggets an alternative to MVC.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Nuggets an alternative to MVC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Nuggets an alternative to MVC

2 5 geographic location 12 products, 21 teams 350 web services
Present the data: scalable reusable flexible MVC for each and every web service? Centralized design, cases, code repository… Usually 3 to 6 month Presentation Nuggets (PNu) 2

3 Pizza It comes almost ready. Cooking instructions.
Variations depending on how you cook it. No centralized Backing Authority No pizza-model, pizza-view, pizza-controller. You can cook and eat it your way. Presentation Nuggets (PNu) 3

4 Get the data with presentation in mind
<fruits> <fruit>Apples</fruit> <fruit>Pears</fruit> <fruit>Oranges</fruit> </ fruits > <ul class=“fruits”> <li>Apples</li> <li>Pears</li> <li>Oranges</li> </ul> Instantly presentable Styles with CSS Animated by JS Updated by AJAX Presentation Nuggets (PNu) 4

5 Presentation Variations
List Multi column list <ul class=“fruits”> <li>Apples</li> <li>Pears</li> <li>Oranges</li> </ul> Dropdown menu Tabs Gallery Slider CSS styling Presentation gears: jQuery plugins (in the browser) XQuery, XSLT, JAVA, Python, Perl, Ruby Presentation Nuggets (PNu) 5

6 Presentation Nugget is
A context in which we visualise an XHTML fragment. Data in XHTML as early as possible. CSS styling for every step. Presentation gears: add/remove/replace XHTML markup; add interactive behaviour. Why? Because the data is always presentable. Presentation Nuggets (PNu) 6

7 Presentation Nugget Structure
<div class=“PNu-container pnu-id: <span class=“pnu-css:fruits.css”/> <span class=“pnu-jquery:ul-vertival-tabs.js”/> <span class=“pnu-content: <ul class=“fruits pnu_fruits”> <li>Apples</li> <li>Pears</li> <li>Oranges</li> </ul> </div> Presentation Nuggets (PNu) 7

8 Using Presentation Nugget
Integrate content fragments into a web page from any publisher easily. Insert code examples when they are available (browser based) Presentation Nuggets (PNu) 8

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