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Algebra Unit 2 Review.

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1 Algebra Unit 2 Review

2 Content of test One-step Add/subtract/multiplication/division problems. Two-step problems. Variables on both sides. Equations with parentheses. Ratios and Proportions Absolute Values Write equation from words then solve. Word Problems. Answers can be integers or a nice rational.

3 Steps to Solve Equations
Get rid of parentheses. Add like terms. Move terms with variables to one side of the equation. Move terms without variables to the opposite side of the equation. Divide/Multiply by the number attached to your letter. Check your answer in the original problem to see if it works.

4 One-step equations X + 4 = = p 9 f = ⅝ g = -20

5 Two-step equations -4a – 1 = -1 4.1 – 3d = 13.1
11 = ½ b – (-3) ¾ = 5y - 3

6 Variables on both sides
-2t + 4 = 10 – t 3a - 2 = a + 2

7 Special Cases Identity Property No solution
Everything cancels Variables Cancel 0 = x = # 2 + 3m – 6 = 3m – g = 4g + 8

8 Quantity Problems Breaks the normal pattern of getting rid of addition and subraction first. You will get rid of the multiplication or division first. Look for a number isolated on one side of the equation. -2 ( 3h + 7 ) = x = -3 7

9 Distributive Equations
-2( t -2) = 10 – t (m – 4) = 2(m – 7)

10 Ratios/Proportions

11 Solve and Graph Absolute Values
|x+3|=7 Write equation.

12 Solve abstract Equation.
5r – t = 2r; solve for r

13 Write Equations from Words
Four less than one-half of a number is 7. Five sixths of a number m equals -80.

14 Consecutive Find the three consecutive odd integers whose sum is 57.

15 Weighted Average A boat travels 36 miles in 1.5 hours and then 14 miles in .75 hours. What is the average speed of the boat?

16 Mixture Problem. A car’s radiator should contain a solution of 50% antifreeze. Bae has 2 gallons of 35% antifreeze. How many gallons of 100% antifreeze should he add to his solution to produce a solution of 50% antifreeze?

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