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Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk

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2 Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk
7 Apr 04 Supporting NEPA Sustainable Range Planning Tool Paul Loechl Chris Conrad 7 April 2004 USACE ERDC CERL: Developing a range sustainability risk assessment tool. To be used by installation staff to analyze the long-term sustainability risk of a particular range on a specific piece of terrain. As we began to develop the tool; it became obvious that what we were doing and what one did in a NEPA analysis had many areas of overlap. This briefing provides an overview of the risk tool and how it could assist in environmental analyses and the training range decision process. Of potential interest to NEPA practitioners as well as training, range, and environmental professionals. US Army Corps of Engineers

3 Supporting The NEPA Process: Outline
Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk 7 Apr 04 Supporting The NEPA Process: Outline Sustainable Range Planning Range Sustainability Risk Range Risk Design Tool NEPA Connection Future Potential An outline of the briefing. First, we are using the Facilities (FCC), Activities, and Tasks list, for each of the 108 FCCs currently supported, developed by AEC for getting the range community involved well in the Army’s EMS building process (this was one of the graphics on our poster in New Orleans. Second, our tool supports the development of aspects and impacts for these activities as the project level, and at the planning, O&M, and closure stages.

4 Sustainable Range Planning: Background
Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk 7 Apr 04 Sustainable Range Planning: Background Mission Focus: Training soldiers “Encroachment” Sustainability Range Manager’s Priorities R&D: Risk Tool: Purpose The Army has a major range modernization and construction program – ongoing for last 3 or 4 years. Will continue. Sustainable Range Program: focus is training. Trainers have a valid concern about sustainability (ability to use the range). Increasing capabilities of weapons, increasing doctrinal area required to train a given size unit. But decreasing freedom to use current training areas. Development: the famous Ft Benning map. Encroachment: a current term: backwards (Encroachment to the trainer is when his mission is constrained by law or by someone complaining that he is encroaching on their interests. (E.g., noise, contaminated water, polluted air). Sustainability: our definition is congruent with AEPI, FORSCOM, Bruntland Commission: focus is on long term degradation of resources. Concern is not simply current law. Research concept initiated by a set of Range Manager’s priorities expressed in graphical format for the ARSIG. The matrix indicated the most pressing environmental issues confronting trainers and range officers. The Army has applied some R&D resources to develop a range risk assessment tool: part of a larger set of R&D requirements to improve range sustainability.

5 Range Sustainability Risk
Training activity impact Resource degradation Training value degradation Maintenance costs Legal/regulatory constraints Range Closure Range Cleanup

6 Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk
7 Apr 04 Range Risk Tool Design Purpose Assessment of sustainability risk Proposed range, specific location Used by installation staff Supports decision-making Method Artificial Intelligence Knowledge-based Interactive Mission focus Responding to a science and technology objective. This tool is one of a series of research objectives intended to improve range sustainability. We anticipate that our tool will be used by range managers as well as environmental staff, and DPW folks, including the master planner. It can be used for specific projects that have made it onto the Army Master Range Plan (AMRP) and for planning purposes as master planners, range staff, and others look to modernize and/or transform their range complexes to accommodate new kinds of ranges (battle area course (BAX), convoy courses, Home Stations, changing mission due to BRAC, the Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) process for acquiring development rights to land around the installation boundary or outright purchase, or Army 2020.

7 Sustainability Risk Paradigm
Environmental Resources Effects Mitigation Externalities Management

8 Risk Equilibrium Analog
Physical Impact (Stressor) Mitigation Resource Vulnerability (Receptor) Risk M = Installation environmental management capacity E = Externalities (community and other stakeholders)

9 Risk Parameters Stressor (Range activity)
Receptor (Environmental resources) Mitigation Management Externalities Resource significance

10 Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk
7 Apr 04 Range Risk Tool Matching stressor and receptor Quantitative Input mix: Data Bases Local Expertise Reports Matches stressor (aspect) with receptor (impact) Purpose is to express sustainability risk: method is quantitative. An expert system (AI) gathers data and expertise from a variety of sources; usually not connected in any other way. Provides a set of reports to the user. Does it tell him anything he didn’t already know: maybe not, but it organizes the knowledge and provides him with a method (e.g. a report) with some credibility to help him interact in the range planning process.

Ammo Toxics Environmental Parameters Capacity Models RISK TOOL RISK TOOL Standard Range Design Ammo & Activity Environmental Conditions Mitigation Potential Closure Externalities & Management ANALYSIS ANALYSIS Q & A Range Requirement Adjust Design Potential Location Sustainability Risk Factors Iterate INSTALLATION INSTALLATION

12 Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk
7 Apr 04 Inference Engine Each range type provides a different set of standardized aspects (stressors). Each range location provides a unique set of environmental resource vulnerabilities. Mitigation will vary according to physical capability and capacity, resource priority, training tradeoffs, etc. Each installation has its own set of community hot issues, resource and training priorities. Bottom row: risk expression for particular resources. Right column: expression of risk according to activity set. Mathematics is relatively simplified at this point (probability theory and simple statistics).

13 A New Range: the Process
Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk 7 Apr 04 A New Range: the Process Range Requirement Range MILCON Process Range design NEPA Analysis Construction Monitoring - mitigation A long (6-yr) process from requirement to construction. NEPA analysis, often mechanical and too-late

14 Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk
7 Apr 04 Intent of NEPA Decision-support Interdisciplinary Analytical Place-based Environment focused Mission-oriented Risk Tool 1. Early in the research we noticed a tight congruence between what we were doing and the NEPA intent.

15 NEPA Decision Process MDMP Analog
Staff estimate Alternatives Recommendations Support the decision Avoid “going black” with environmental resources Early in the process

16 Value of the Tool to NEPA
Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk 7 Apr 04 Value of the Tool to NEPA Identify issues Scoping Planning tool Alternative identification Analysis Initiates data collection Assists with [data → information] process NEPA intent w/o “NEPA” process Some mechanistic advantages: procedural. NEPA intent as a decision support tool rarely functional unless there are significant, controversial issues. Purpose of this tool is to give a quick review of potential environmental vulnerabilities that might constrain the use of the range for its intended purpose.

17 Range Risk Analysis Benefits Future Potential Fast, low-cost analysis
Introduces environmental considerations early Interactive: aids analysis and decision-making Future Potential GIS integration Expert Systems Fuzzy Logic

18 Supporting NEPA -- Sustainability Risk Sustainable Range Planning Tool
7 Apr 04 Sustainable Range Planning Tool Paul Loechl Chris Conrad 7 April 2004


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