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University of Pittsburgh

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1 University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine Welcome Academy of Master Educators Dinner Meeting Tuesday, May 2, 2017

2 University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine Congratulations!!! Chair: Mike Elnicki Chair Elect: Gabey Gosman A huge thank you to our Immediate Past Chair: Jamie Johnston

3 University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine New Committees Structure: Faculty Development Series Mentoring Educator 101 Membership Educational Scholarship

4 Faculty Development Series
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Faculty Development Series Chairs: Missy McNeil & Jason Rosenstock Organizing/archiving monthly AME seminar series with topics related to teaching skills and career development Collaborating with faculty affairs on on-boarding approaches Upcoming goals: Enhancing user-friendliness of the AME website Disseminating short videos on faculty development topics, to better reach faculty New members, and topic/speaker ideas, welcome!

5 University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine Mentoring Chairs: Kip Kinchington & Jack Schumann To provide an external advice source towards building the CV and making the key steps in members career promotion, both tenured and non-tenured, at both the assistant to associate and the associate to full professor levels.   To provide feedback on building the Teaching Portfolios for promotional consideration. Upon request, to observe inexperienced teaching faculty during their actual teaching presentations and provide constructive feedback on good and bad teaching styles. Upon request, to work with any teaching faculty members who have been receiving deficient student evaluations for inadequate delivery in any teaching settings or for poor quality of course materials (e.g., syllabi, lecture notes, etc.) and make suggestions for improvement.

6 University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine Educator 101 Chairs: Don Defranco & Christine Milcarek Screen archived AME lectures and post for faculty to review Discuss mechanisms to alert new faculty our committee’s resources (New faculty orientation sessions? Recommendations from course directors?) Discuss mechanisms for “mentoring” of new faculty (One-on-one interactions with Don and/or Chris? Review of lecture or small group material? Direct observation by Don and/or Chris of lecture or small group? Means of constructive feedback?)

7 University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine Membership Chairs: Bill Follansbee & Scott Herrle Add committee members from different departments Develop timeline for membership renewal and selection of new members Further develop and clarify requirements for membership renewal Recruitment and selection of new members

8 Educational Scholarship
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Educational Scholarship Chair: Beth Littleton Consult for physician educators about doing medical education scholarship Online request form Objective is to connect faculty members requesting help with the  education experts who can help Two requests coming from Beth Littleton on this topic

9 University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine Med Talk speakers needed: Please let us know if you have someone in mind!

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