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CERN - IPT/PI department

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1 CERN - IPT/PI department
PROCUREMENT ORGANIZATION & RULES FOR EP AND EXPERIMENTS AT CERN Cristina Lara / Charles Carayon / Joshua Davison– 10 October 2017

2 Accelerators and Technology Section
Anders UNNERVIK Jerome PIERLOT Lisa Bellini-Devictor Fatima NAJEH Cristina Lara Accelerators and Technology Section Admin & General Infrastructure Section Information Technology and Purchase Orders Section, MICE, Stores Research and Industrial Services Section Purchases of supplies exceeding 200 kCHF for the Accelerators and Technology Sector Purchases of supplies exceeding 200 kCHF for the Admin. and General Infrastructure Sector and the CERN Pension Fund, insurance and civil engineering contracts Procurement of Contracts for Research exceeding 50kCHF (except gré à gré), services exceeding 200kCHF, EU-funded Projects Purchases and price enquiries for supplies below 200kCHF (below 50kCHF and gré à gré for Research), Purchases for stores, Contracts for computing, hotels and conferences Bjorn Jenssen Ivo Lobmaier Floris Bonthond Adam Horridge Laszlo Abel Orane CANTONI Gaelle Breuillaud Dana Svanidze Sandrine Magnan Pascal DROUX Charles CARAYON Joshua DAVISON Sebastien SONNERAT Christophe VEYS Stephanie BLANCHARD Sandra BENOIT-GODET Alexandre TABARY Marine Gabrielle ROUSSET Hiba GERSTER Adrien FRAUENFELDER Chafik EL GHAZOUANI Nordine Azizi Floriane BROUILLAT Juan FANTINO Dominique Trolliet Arielle Gaidon

3 2016 payments and outstanding commitments for Experiments and EP
Country Total 2016 (CHF) DE 8,562,006 US 8,020,595 GB 7,731,040 IT 7,588,995 FR 5,799,179 CH 5,749,776 PL 2,679,223 NL 2,409,803 ES 1,296,476 BE 1,186,925 AT 1,060,830 IL 994,606 NO 809,808 SE 808,057 DK 657,351 CZ 417,828 SK 333,994 HU 287,798 FI 243,120 GR 153,593 BG 132,204 PT 29,720 RO 25,011 TR 6,358 CY - PK RS UA Other 12,953,677 Grand Total 69,937,974

4 The Procurement Service (PS)
procures all supplies and services for CERN The objective is to meet the specified and contractual technical, delivery and performance requirements at the lowest possible overall cost, while achieving balanced industrial return for CERN member states and respecting CERN Procurement Rules

5 The technical responsible
Defines his procurement need, Follows up the design and manufacture of supplies, Checks, accepts or rejects the delivery of supplies Evaluates the supplier (questionnaire soon in place) In collaboration with the PS: Carries out the procurement process in accordance with the Procurement Rules Ensures that the contractual terms of the order are fulfilled

6 The procurement procedure depends on the estimated amount of the supply

7 Estimation of the order amount
Take into account all possible needs for the same type of products Ex: 10kg of white paint or the maintenance of product purchased Allowing to define the strategy and procurement rules to follow as well as a better price

8 Beware of timelines ! If CERN contribution >750kCHF : Finance Committee approval required (potentially +12 weeks)

9 Procurement rules The extent of application of CERN Procurement rules depends on the involvement of CERN funds; Four cases have been identified in the document: “Financial Guidelines for LHC Collaborations” - CERN/FC/3796 and CERN/FC/3796 rev. which has recently been modified to: “Procurement Rules and Procedures for all Approved and Recognised Experiments at CERN” (PRAREC).

10 Cases applicable for Experiments
CASE A No CERN budget Collaborations act independently at CERN -CERN Procurement Rules do not apply. -Negotiations conducted by the institutes participating in the Collaboration. CASE B No CERN budget but CERN is required to be the contracting party -CERN is the contracting party, -2 options: Either Collaboration states that applicable laws have been complied with or; -The Collaboration requests CERN to launch an IT and apply procurement rules: => Firms established in CERN Member States & in countries funding the Collaboration. => Negotiations conducted by CERN in cooperation with the Collaboration. => No Alignment (incl. in case of splitting). => CERN Procurement Rules and General conditions of Contracts apply. -Collaboration can request that the contract is awarded only under the condition that 50% of the tender value originates from the country(ies) providing the funds. -FC approval required, except if contractual risks and liability are transferred to the funding institute(s) CASE C 100% CERN Budget -CERN is the contracting party. -General Conditions of CERN Contracts and CERN Procurement Rules apply. -CASE C is applicable if CERN participation > 20% (as a principle). CASE D Funded by "Common fund" established by the Collaboration (and to which CERN makes a contribution) -Negotiations conducted by CERN in cooperation with the Collaboration. -Firms originating from all countries of the Common Fund. -No Alignment (incl. in case of splitting). -CERN participation > 750kCHF: Finance Committee approval required. -Call for tenders issued once CERN has received all the necessary financial guarantees.

11 Specification committee
Aim: review the documents and make sure Procurement rules are complied with When: Price Enquiries >50kCHF for R&D and prototype work, Market Survey, Invitation to Tender. Who: Procurement officer (chair) and technical officer, Technical department head or representative (resource coordinator?), Procurement head or representative, Expert from another experiment or department, HSE, Legal officer, if necessary (eg IP matters etc.). Leadtime: 1 week in advance for Market Surveys and Price Enquiries, 2 weeks in advance for Invitations to Tender.

12 Procurement roadmap Procurement service has partial visibility on upcoming needs for the Experiments and EP. In order to anticipate resources and better answer to EP and Experiments needs, the Procurement service has contacted DPOs + resource coordinators to get a greater visibility on the procurement needs for ; In order to avoid delays, EP and Experiments should involve Procurement Service as soon as possible in procurement strategy discussions.

13 Procurement training modules
E-learning on procurement of supplies up to 200K CHF => ~6500 users completed the modules 1-day training on procurement of supplies > 200KCHF => ~120 participants already , register ! 2/3 hour tailored speed training on procurement of supplies > 200KCHF 1-day training on service contract management (Q4 2017) => Any interest?

14 Accessing Procurement Website

15 Code of professional ethics: https://procurement. web. cern
Code of professional ethics: (anyone involved in procurement for CERN) Maintain the highest standard of integrity in all commercial relationships Reject any commercial practice which might reasonably be deemed improper Optimase the use of resources for the benefit of CERN Ensure the accuracy of information provided or exchanged Respect the confidentiality of information received

16 Never use authority or position for personal gain
Avoid conflict of interest or situations that could be perceived as such Declare to your group leader who should declare to the Head of PS any personal interest that might affect, or be seen by others to affect, impartiality or decision making Remain impatial in all commercial dealings and not be influenced by those with vested interests Comply with the gift policy

17 Contact us! We are here to support! Strategy Early consultations
Correspondence Advice Disputes Negotiations Contact us! We are here to support!

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