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Муниципальное образовательное учреждение Дополнительного образования «Центр внешкольной работы «Юность» г.Комсомольск-на-Амуре.

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Presentation on theme: "Муниципальное образовательное учреждение Дополнительного образования «Центр внешкольной работы «Юность» г.Комсомольск-на-Амуре."— Presentation transcript:

1 Муниципальное образовательное учреждение Дополнительного образования «Центр внешкольной работы «Юность» г.Комсомольск-на-Амуре 2016г. Презентация. Тест: Местоимения somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, everything. Автор: Анисимова Вера Константиновна, Педагог дополнительного образования

2 I can see nothing in the corner of the bedroom. Can you see ……… ?
Something 1 Anything 2 Nothing 3

3 Is there ……… in the room who knows the answer?
Somebody 1 Anybody 2 Nobody 3

4 It's autumn. You can see yellow leaves ……….
Somewhere 1 Everywhere 2 Nowhere 3

5 Let's have dinner. ………. is hungry.
Everybody 1 Somebody 2 Anybody 3

6 I can’t hear……………. Something 1 Anything 2 Nothing 3

7 He thinks he knows everything about………..
Everybody 1 Somebody 2 Anybody 3

8 ………. can answer this question. It is very simple.
Someone 1 Anyone 2 No one 3

9 Is everybody here? - Yes, …….. is here today. Nobody is absent.
1 Everything 2 Everywhere 3

10 I didn't know about the meeting. ……… told me about it.
Somebody 1 Anybody 2 Nobody 3

11 David's house is full of books. There are books……….
Somewhere 1 Everywhere 2 Nowhere 3

12 Can I take one of your books? - Of course. Take ……… you like.
Something 1 Anything 2 Nothing 3

13 I don't want ……… to help me. I can very well do it myself.
Somebody 1 Anybody 2 Nobody 3

14 You are right. ……….. you say is true.
Something 1 Nothing 2 Everything 3

15 There is …….. in the office now, I am afraid. It is lunch hour.
Somebody 1 Anybody 2 Nobody 3

16 Will you give me ……….. to drink, please? I'm thirsty.
Something 1 Anything 2 Nothing 3

17 I looked at the TV guide. There wasn't ……. interesting on TV that day.
Something 1 Anything 2 Nothing 3

18 There is ……. in the school. The building is empty
There is ……. in the school. The building is empty. The pupils are on vacation. Somebody 1 Anybody 2 Nobody 3

19 Ann said……….. but I didn't understand her.
Something 1 Anything 2 Nothing 3

20 Do you know ……… in London? - Yes, a few people.
Somebody 1 Anybody 2 Nobody 3

21 Список использованных интернет-ресурсов:

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