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How to be an Effective Advocate

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Presentation on theme: "How to be an Effective Advocate"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to be an Effective Advocate

2 What is Advocacy?

3 What is Advocacy?

4 Why Advocacy? You are the ears, eyes and potential voice of the community. Decisions by elected officials impact and the members/clients you serve. You are trusted in your communities and can motivate members/clients to be involved.

5 Charity is not enough. Democracy is not a spectator sport.
Why Advocacy? Charity is not enough. Democracy is not a spectator sport.

6 5 Steps to Effective Advocacy
Identify your issue. Do your homework. Learn to think in terms of 51%. Be sure THEY hear You. Always keep the door open for the next time.

7 1. Identify your issue. A problem is a cause for concern.
An issue is a problem you can do something about. Frame your problem with a solution in mind.

8 2. Do your homework. Know how government works.
Get the facts about your issue. Find who your friends and allies are. Know who you represent. Identify your audiences.

9 3. Learn to think in terms of 51 %.

10 4. Be sure THEY hear You.

11 5. Always keep the door open for the next time.

12 The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago . . .

13 . . . and the second best time is

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