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CTF Rules WiFi SSID: HackInTheRack

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1 CTF Rules WiFi SSID: HackInTheRack
Your USB key contains a bootable BackTrack 5r3 distribution. There is no Internet access through the HackInTheRack SSID. Do not scan or connect to IP addresses other than the listed victim addresses. There are two identically configured Windows victim machines to hack. There are two identically configured Linux victim machines to hack. There are probably multiple ways to solve each challenge. Hacking can make the victim machines unstable. If this happens, they may be rebooted or rolled back to a previous snapshot.

2 IPs and Flags Windows flags Linux flags Identify the Windows version
Victim OS Victim IP #1 Victim IP #2 Windows Linux Windows flags Linux flags Identify the Windows version Identify the service pack level Identify the workgroup\domain Gain administrator\system access Retrieve password hashes for local accounts Identify the kernel version Identify the SSH version Identify the web server and version Identify the Samba version Gain root access Retrieve the contents of /etc/passwd


4 Vulnerable Distributions and Projects
URL Kioptrix Hacking-Lab pwnOS Metasploitable DVL (Damn Vulnerable Linux) Hackerdemia OWASP WebGoat Project OWASP Broken Web Applications Project NOWASP (Mutillidae) Samurai Web Testing Framework Tweeter Google Gruyere Huge List of Deliberately Vulnerable Applications

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