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The use of Laser for the treatment of coronary artery disease

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1 The use of Laser for the treatment of coronary artery disease
Antonis Pratsos M.D Director of Interventional Cardiology Bryn Mawr Hospital Bryn Mawr, PA CRT 2010

2 DISCLOSURES Antonis Pratsos, MD Honoraria Spectranetics Corporation

3 Overview Mechanism of action of laser
Indications and rationale for laser Case reviews and clinical studies Technical considerations Conclusions Questions

4 Ultraviolet vs. Infrared
The Wavelength Story Ultraviolet vs. Infrared 193nm 2090nm 308nm 10600nm Ultraviolet Infrared Surgical - Dental - Ophthalmic Cardiovascular To dissolve plaque To cut tissue To create holes in heart Benefits of 308 nm: Ablates only the tissue it touches - very precise action interacts with the organic molecules in the cells explodes cells from the inside out low energy system - minimal side effects Weaknesses of others: Penetrates deeply into tissue - as much as a centimeter Sometimes hard to control Dehydrates and “cooks” tissue Invites inflammatory response - very bad inside the vascular system CO2 Excimer (CVX-300®) Ho:YAG Excimer (ophthalmology)

5 Laser mechanism of action

6 Why fire the laser ?!

7 21st century PCI Older, sicker, anatomically and clinically complex patients DES FAME SYNTAX Better strategies for DES delivery Better strategies for PCI in AMI

8 Indications-ELCA Excimer Laser Coronary Atherectomy
Total occlusions Failed balloon angioplasty Moderately Calcified lesions Ostial lesions Long Lesions Occluded Saphenous Vein Grafts In-Stent Restenosis stainless steel stents prior to Brachytherapy

9 RCA occlusion, LAD collaterals via dual injections

10 Once wire across, unable to deliver 1. 5 balloon. Can we fix it
Once wire across, unable to deliver 1.5 balloon. Can we fix it? Yes we can!

11 Crossing Fielder XT- 1.5 balloon undeliverable, .9 laser

12 The Spectrum of Lumen Morphology in CTO - Clinical Challenges
Fibrotic plq: Negative remodelling Small recanal. channels Large recanalization channels Proteoglycan-rich Inflammation Necrotic core Calcification Dr. Gregg Stone: Columbia Medical Center, Coronary Research Center 13

13 Final result after three long everolimus eluting stents

14 0.9mm X-80 ELCA for Calcified and Complex Coronary Lesions
Luc Bilodeau, MD, et al. Novel Use of a High-Energy Excimer Laser Catheter for Calcified and Complex Coronary Artery Lesions. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (62: , 2004) X-80 CROSSING RESULT FLOWCHART Black: Study flowchart (n= # lesions) Blue: # of balloon failures Lesions meeting inclusion criteria Notes: Crossing success of balloon failed lesions is 94% n=100 (35) n=5 Abandoned lesions (2) (31/33). n=95 (33) Fail n=29 Standard laser parameter therapy (20) Increased laser parameter therapy (13) Success n=21 (11) Fail n=8 (2) Success n=66 (20) Adjunctive therapy Success:Laser 92%, Procedural 93%, Clinical 87%

15 45 year old male chronic stable angina for 1 year
45 year old male chronic stable angina for 1 year. Critical ostial LAD+ mid LAD CTO

16 Simultaneous Contralateral injections, successful wiring

17 Confirmation of wire position and angiogram after 0.9 laser

18 Final LAD angio post 3 DES

19 Saphenous Vein Grafts J. Bittl Data1: (1994)
495 Patients/545 SVG stenoses Mean graft age yrs 92% Clinical Success 3% Embolization 2.4% QWMI/2.2%NQWMI Death 1% Ebersole data shows: 0% NQMI rate 0% angiographic embolization 2.3% CPK Rise >3x Normal 100% Success Rate 0% Death/Emergent CABG 6 Mo. TLR OF 6.9% 1D. Ebersole, Excimer Laser for Revascularization of Saphenous Vein Grafts; Lasers in Med. Sci :78-83 2D. Ebersole, Clinical App. For the Excimer Laser; CVR&R, June 1999 1J. Bittl, Predictors of Outcome of percutaneous Excimer Laser Coronary Angioplasty …..: AJC Vol 74, July 15, 1994

20 Sub-Totally Occluded SVG to LAD

21 X80 laser in Sub-Totally Occluded SVG to LAD- enabling DPD

22 Final SVG result

23 NSTEMI, Occluded SVG-OM1+2

24 LCx X-80@50-40. Retrograde wire and laser into SVG

25 Final result native LCx and SVG

26 Calcified LAD- incomplete balloon expansion

27 1.4mm laser maximum settings

28 Full balloon expansion and DES

29 93y lady-Critical distal LM/LAD/LCx bifurcation

30 Wiring of LAD and OM of Lcx and 0.9 laser into LAD and prox Lcx

31 0.9/1.4/1.7 into LM/LAD and 0.9/1.4 into LCx-LM/LAD stent

32 Final LM result

33 GREECE: Global Revascularization & Evaluation of Excimer Laser In the Coronaries
Retrospective cohort of 101consecutive patients between January 2007 and December 2008 who underwent PCI utilizing laser ablation as a component of the procedure. Endpoints: Laser Success, Procedural success, avoidance of MACE

34 Lesion Subsets as Indicators for ELCA
101 Patients with 107 Lesions of Multiple Type/Location Long Lesion >20mm 39.3% (n=42) Calcified Lesion 36.4% (n=39) CTO Crossable by a Guidewire 22.4% (n=24) Ostial Lesion 19.6% (n=21) In Stent Restenosis Bifurcation Lesion 14.0% (n=15) Occluded/Degenerated SVG 4.7% (n=5) Balloon Refractory Lesion 0.9% (n=1) Other 9.3% (n=10) NSTEMI 28.7% (n=29) STEMI 13.9% (n=14) Low EF (< 30%) 4.0% (n=4)

35 Results Pre Treatment mean %DS (n=107) 89.6% (±9.39)
Post ELCA mean %DS (n=104) 69.6% (±17.99) PTA used Post ELCA (n=106) 81.1% (n=86) Stenting used Post ELCA (n=107) 88.7% (n=95) Stent Success (n=95) 99.0% (n=94) Final %DS (mean) 3.9% (n=107)

36 Study Results 98.1% Laser Technical Success (n=105 lesions)
100% Success in CTOs crossable by a guidewire (n=24 lesions) 100% Procedural Success Zero In-Hospital MACE 5% Overall Procedural SAE rate (n=5) 2% Laser related Procedural SAE (n=2) 3% PTA/Stent related Procedural SAE (n=3)

37 Laser in AMI Device options for AMI in 2009
Rationale for thrombo-ablation in AMI Registries supportive of ELCA in AMI

38 Contemporary device choices for PCI in AMI
PTCA/Stent Embolic protection devices Distal EMERALD Proximal PREPARE Thrombectomy Rheolytic AiMI Passive X AMINE, EXPIRA , REMEDIA, PIHRATE TAPAS Local drug delivery CRYSTAL AMI, COCTAIL Laser CARMEL, EXTENDED FAMILI, Ambrosini

39 TIMI 10B trial:Thrombolytics and relationship to mortality
based on TMPG Get some videos from dr gibson No blush

40 Abnormal Myocardial Perfusion after PCI is Associated with Mortality at 8 Years
3 Majority of patients have TIMI Grade 3 flow in epicardial artery after primary PCI However 2 of 3 patients have a closed muscle n=148 2 n=393 Survival 0/1 n=236 90 360 900 1440 2250 2790 Time (days) van’t Hof AWJ et al. Circulation 1998; 97:2302-6

41 Potential Advantages of ELCA in thrombus
Thrombus dissolution Local anti-platelet effect Less distal embolization Potential for less stent malaposition Potential for less SAT ?? Reduced restenosis

42 Studies of ELCA in STEMI
CARMEL Topaz Am JC 04 EXTENDED FAMILI Dave Ambrossini Int Card J 2007 Number of pts 151 87 66 Inclusion Shock, SVG, failed lytics Within 12 hrs Excl. sick pts Included rescue PCI Catheters Vitesse C Included X80 1.4, 1.7, 2.0 Angiog Success 97% N/A Final blush 3-78%, 2-14% TIMI CFC ST res>70% STR >70 % 35%, ST res >50%, 64% 48%

43 Acute inferior MI –X80-2 wires

44 After laser and final result

45 Practical considerations ELCA vs. Aspiration vs PTCA
Laser Aspiration Balloon/Stent Thrombus ++++ + Fibro-Calc. plaque ++ Tortuosity Deliverability If baseline TIMI 3 flow +/- +++

46 Proposed AMI Protocol ER Plavix 600mg or prasugrel 60mg load
Wire ER Plavix 600mg or prasugrel 60mg load Heparin following sheath insertion TIMI 0-2 If thrombus 0.9(larger if SVG) Clearway intra-coronary 2b3a TIMI 3 Aspiration if still significant thrombus Otherwise Direct stent if possible

47 Laser complications

48 General Procedural Best Practices
Supportive guide, no side holes Saline flush Slow advancement of catheter Sizing of catheter (0.9mm workhorse) Settings fluency/repetition rate

49 Conclusions ELCA – for complex coronary PCI
AMI- Current Rx leaves a lot to be desired Open artery, TIMI flow grade, TMPG Aspiration promising but some limitations Pharmacotherapy- IV <IC < intra-lesion ELCA safe, effective in AMI. RCTs needed

50 Questions?

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