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Jeopardy! A Classroom Game Based on the TV Game show ®

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! A Classroom Game Based on the TV Game show ®"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! A Classroom Game Based on the TV Game show ®
Music starts…go through category slides as music plays. Here are the categories:

2 What is the Question ? Final Round 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200
Story Conflict Setting Plot 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 Click on the amount under the category to show the question selected. Then click forward to get the answer. Click forward once again to show the return slide and click return to come back to the game board. 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

3 $100 Question Story What was Timothy able to teach Phillip so he could take care of himself?

4 $100 Answer How to fish

5 Return

6 $200 Question Story How were Timothy and Phillip able to tell how many days they had been on the island?

7 They put a pebble in a can for each day on the cay
$200 Answer They put a pebble in a can for each day on the cay

8 Return

9 $300 Question Story What was one thing that helped Phillip get rescued?

10 $300 Answer He built the smoke signal (made it black)

11 Return

12 $400 Question Story What was Phillip able to do after his new-found confidence when he learned how to fish?

13 $400 Answer Climb the coconut tree

14 Return

15 $500 Question Story Who does Phillip think is coming to save them on the cay?

16 $500 Answer Good Guys His father/the US Navy

17 Return

18 $100 Question Conflict What did Phillip's parents argue about in the beginning of the story?

19 $100 Answer Whether to stay in Curacao or return to the U.S.

20 Return

21 $200 Question Conflict Phillip and Timothy vs. The hurricane is what kind of conflict?

22 $200 Answer Person vs. Nature

23 Return

24 $300 Question Conflict How does Timothy resolve the conflict between Stew cat and the jumbi?

25 $300 Answer He carved a wooden Stew cat and sent the real one on the raft.

26 Return

27 $400 Question Conflict Why does Phillip fight with Timothy when they first meet?

28 $400 Answer Timothy won't give him enough water

29 Return

30 Daily Double Daily Double

31 $500 Question Conflict What scene/event helped changed Phillip's and Timothy's relationship for the better?

32 $500 Answer When Timothy slapped him and Phillip realized he'd been mean to him

33 Return

34 $100 Question Setting What country does the novel take place in the beginning?

35 $100 Answer Curacao

36 Return

37 $200 Question Setting What was the u-shaped coral around the cay called?

38 $200 Answer The "Devil's Mouth"

39 Return

40 $300 Question Setting What major historical event is happening during the novel?

41 $300 Answer World War II

42 Return

43 $400 Question Setting Where did Phillip do his fishing?

44 $400 Answer In the fishing hole/reef

45 Return

46 $500 Question Setting Why was Timothy so worried about the upcoming storm?

47 $500 Answer It was coming too early

48 Return

49 $100 Question Plot Which one of these events is not part of the exposition? Phillip is a boy who lives in Curacao WWII is going on around the world Phillip and Timothy get stuck on the cay

50 $100 Answer Phillip and Timothy get stuck on the cay

51 Return

52 $200 Question Plot How is the story resolved?

53 $200 Answer A plane sees the black smoke and a boat comes to save him

54 Return

55 $300 Question Plot What are three important events that make up the rising action?

56 $300 Answer Phillip's boat is torpedoed He goes blind
He's meets Timothy (who he doesn't like at first Gets stranded on a desert island

57 Return

58 $400 Question Plot What part of the plot mountain is the storm (terrible tempest)?

59 $400 Answer The Climax

60 Return

61 $500 Question Plot Why is the scene when Phillip cleans up on the island and begins taking care of himself and Stew Cat the falling action?

62 $500 Answer It's after all of the major conflicts (the storm) but before he gets rescued

63 Return

64 Final Round Question Which events helped Phillip change from a stubborn/judgmental kid to a resourceful/grateful person? Click on the sound icon to play the final round music. When the music stops, players must be ready with their answers.

65 Final Round Answer Some answers may vary

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