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وما أوتيتم من العلم إلا قليلا

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1 وما أوتيتم من العلم إلا قليلا

2 الدرس العملى السابع الاعداء الحيوية

3 الاعداء الحيوية المفترسات

4 ابو العيد 11 نقطة Order : Coleoptera Family : Coccinellidae
S.N : Coccinella undecimpunctata

5 ملك الرعاش Order : Odonata Family : Aeschnidae
S.N : Hemianax ephippiger

6 الرعاش الكبير Order : Odonata Family : Libellulidae
S.N : Crocothemis erythraea Control is recommended if tomato and pepper fruit is present at the same time as the moths are active. The bacterial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is recommended for controlling the early stages of this insect. Treat when you find young larvae on the fruit.

7 الرعاش الصغير Order : Odonata Family : Coenagrionidae
S.N : Ischnura senegalensis Some insects go south to overwinter. In spring, we can watch to see their migration pattern and whether they will reach Wisconsin in damaging numbers and when they can be expected to arrive.

8 ابو العيد سكمنس السورى Order : Coleoptera Family : Coccinellidae
S.N : Scymnus syriacus Pests monitored with a sweepnet: Potato leafhopper adults, aster leafhopper adults, fleabeetles, tarnished plantbug, pea aphids.

9 خنفساء الكالوسوما العادية
Order : Coleoptera Family : Carabidae S.N : Calosoma chlorostictum The corn earworm trap shown here uses a lure impregnated with a chemical attractant inside a trap. The trap catches allow sweet corn growers to observe trends in earworm populations.

10 الحشرة الرواغة Order : Coleoptera Family : Staphylinidae
S.N : Paederus alfierii Implemented when cultural controls aren’t practical or ineffective. Squash the bug, destroy diseased plants, create a barrier. Floating row covers work very well to exclude such insect pests as cabbage worms, leafhoppers, and fleabeetles.

11 الاعداء الحيوية الطفيليات

12 طفيل براكيمر Order : Hymenoptera Family : Chalcididae
S.N : Brachymeria sp

13 طفيل الافيلينس Order : Hymenoptera Family : Aphelinidae
S.N : Aphelinus mali Chemical control should be your last line of defense in a pest management program. The decision whether to spray should be focused around a scouting and monitoring program and should only be implemented when thresholds have been exceeded. Spot treatments can be targeted to critical life stages. Total eradication is NOT the goal in an IPM program.

14 ذبابة التاكينا الكبيرة
Order : Diptera Family : Tachinidae S.N : Tachina larvarum

15 ذبابة التاكينا الصغيرة
Order : Diptera Family : Tachinidae S.N : Actia aegyptia


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