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An ETP Studentship with University of Strathclyde and TNO (NL)

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1 An ETP Studentship with University of Strathclyde and TNO (NL)
Using SGAM as a Tool to Facilitate Laboratory Validation M. H. Syed Institute for Energy and Environment University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Scotland

2 Outline Introduction Scope Laboratory Validation
Methodology for using SGAM. Example Mapping Lessons Learnt and Conclusions

3 Ancillary Services Ancillary Services: essential to maintain grid integrity. 550,000 consumers Report of the National Grid Investigation into the Frequency Deviation and Automatic Demand Disconnection that occurred on 27th May 2008

4 The Changing Grid Scotland 2017
9.3 GW (4 x 2007) 13% increase in generation (2016) 16% increase in capacity (2016) >50% gross consumption comes from renewables Global push for reducing the carbon footprint of every country “Norway to completely ban petrol powered cars by 2025”-The Independent, 4th of June 2016 Country Year UK 2040 France India 2030 China - Germany

5 Impact of Changing Grid
Report of the National Grid Investigation into the Frequency Deviation and Automatic Demand Disconnection that occurred on 27th May 2008

6 Demand Side Management
The change in demand due to an incentive provided. DSM presently utilized for provision of ancillary services. New opportunities for demand side management: aggregation and coordination of flexible demand. 22 aggregators within the UK The potential is not exploited.

7 Research Collaboration
ETP University of Strathclyde TNO Power Networks Demonstration Centre Distribution Network and Protection Laboratory

8 PhD: Scope 1 Assessment of highly distributed demand side flexibility to provide balancing ancillary services 2 Control for utilization of highly distributed demand for frequency control 3 Laboratory validation

9 Motivation Power System  Cyber Physical System
Solutions are multi-disciplinary Novel solutions need to be de-risked Solutions not developed by laboratory staff Laboratory has multiple users No standard for exploratory work

10 Smart Grid Architecture Model
5 Domains 6 Zones 5 Interoperability Layers Used by Operators Visualization of solutions New solutions implementation

11 Methodology: Using SGAM as a Tool
Conventional methodology. A structured methodology using SGAM as a tool to facilitate laboratory validation.

12 Example Solution Fast Acting Frequency Restoration
Supplementary control loop to allow faster activation of DSM Inspired by the Web of Cells concept

13 Stage I and II Using the test case specification template, the functions are identified A simple set of rules for mapping defined. The functions identified using the Test Specification template are mapped on to the function layer. The information exchange represented on the information layer: business context view

14 Stage III : Reference Power System
A reference power system is to be selected. A reduced six bus Great Britain power system selected.

15 Laboratory Mapping Lab Hardware
Real-time Simulation Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 6 Real-time Simulation The components within the laboratory identified and mapped. Power Components identified and mapped. SGAM only capable of one system representation

16 Final Layers The communication protocols are mapped to obtain the communication layer. The data formats complete the information layer: canonical view.

17 Application: KPI Development
No two laboratories are same Design of experiment helps refine KPIs

18 Conclusions Lessons Learnt Future Work 13 Laboratories
Consistent solution development Clear task division and distributed development Supports round robin testing Future Work 3rd party solution Validation, more case studies

19 International Researcher Exchange: ELECTRA REX
Global exchange European exchange Intra-ELECTRA exchange Global organisation to/from ELECTRA partner European organisation 20 potential hosts within the consortium Exchange durations 2 – 12 weeks Seventh call open to EU and Global organizations: closes 22nd October 2017 For more details go to mobility tab

20 Transnational Access: ERIGrid
Access to 21 first-class Smart Grid labs Third call open: closes 15th November 2017 Call every 6 months, until December 2019 Chance to conduct your own experiments free of charge Reimbursements of your expenses Access to concentrated know-how and best practices in the field of smart grids.


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