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LiDAR Enhanced Forest Inventory

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Presentation on theme: "LiDAR Enhanced Forest Inventory"— Presentation transcript:

1 LiDAR Enhanced Forest Inventory
FAIB/Tolko/BCTS Good afternoon First I would like to thank you for inviting us. My colleague Ann Morrison was supposed to give this talk but she could make it. I am glad to be here as I think this group is pretty much linked to our group as we have common interest in geomatics. Xiaoping Yuan For the meeting in Kamloops on May 2, 2016

2 Outline Team: Xiaoping Yuan (PL), Chris Butson, James Wang, Chris Mulvihill, Geoff Quinn, Rob Kennett/Jamie Skinner Background LiDAR EFI basics Okanagan/Kamloops LiDAR EFI 2015/16 New LiDAR data 2015

3 Background - LiDAR research and activities across the country and world - TFL 18 LiDAR Pilot 2006 - UBC (Alex Creek) LiDAR EFI 2014 - Northern Vancouver Island LIDAR EFI 2014/15 - Okanagan/Kamloops LiDAR EFI 2015

4 LiDAR Enhanced Forest Inventory
Why LiDAR? A new way of acquiring inventory data Automated, objective and modeling approach vs human, subjective, and interpretation Comparative cost Better and higher resolution inventory Misperceptions

5 Input Data

6 LiDAR LiDAR can provide highly accurate 3-dimensional characterization of forest canopy, sub-canopy, vegetation and terrain. Forest stand attributes include: stand height Density/crown closure basal area diameter volume biomass

7 Input Data Sampling design: representative plots representing all the possible variations of the inventory area Tree/Vegetation cover measured, GPS positions Aerial photos, existing inventory, and other auxiliary data

8 Output Data Modeling and predictions
Analysis Steps Prediction options: traditional multivariate regression and non-parametric estimation Gridded raster predictions Generalization to polygons Validation Attribute Estimation/prediction Area-based approach Individual tree based approach

9 Okanagan/Kamloops LiDAR EFI
Partnership, LiDAR data acquired and owned by BCTS/Tolko FAIB, under the data sharing agreement, for EFI LiDAR area: 367,000 ha, completed 317,000ha (Area 1 and 2) Objectives of the LiDAR EFI: Design, test, and complete an operational inventory Develop standards/specifications for operational inventory Investigate methods for improving the traditional inventory (such as VRI)

10 Methodology Pre-inventory analysis and stratification
Ground sampling design and data collection and compilation LiDAR metrics and prediction modeling LiDAR EFI products and integration with the traditional inventories

11 Methodology Pre-inventory analysis (VRI and LiDAR canopy) – Stratification (4) Ground sampling (229 plots) Predictions Products: 20m raster, generalize to VRI 2015 Enhanced spatial and new inventory 2016

12 LiDAR Enhanced Forest Inventory Flowchart
Acquisition Processing Acquire LiDAR Pre-process Normalized and classified point cloud Convert to .laz Retile and buffer Remove duplicates Create 1m DEM QA Create 1m CHM Normalized CHM VRI 2014 BEC/TRIM Generate 0.04ha plot metrics Generate 20m metrics Pre-inventory analysis Stratification Sample plot selection Orthophoto Ground data collection Ground data compiled Statistical models 20m raster predicted ATT Metrics indices Ground and modeling Sampling Design Landsat 2014 And 2015 Object segments kNN/RF processing Processing for VRIMS VRI 2014 Processing for VRIMS VRI upgraded & publishing New LEFI for VRIMS Integration Enhancement It is a new inventory tool!

13 Results Stratification and Ground Sampling Stratum BEC Zone
Leading Species Area % Target # Plots* Final # Plots 1 ICH and IDF FD 29 57 61 2 Others 27 55 69 3 ESSF and MS BL 21 41 43 4 23 47 60 Total 100 200 233

14 2. Variables to be predicted
Variable name Units Utilization Description Ba_Ha m2/ha 4.0 cm Basal Area/Ha of live trees DQ cm Quadratic mean Dbh of live trees Calculated as sqrt(BA/TPH/ ). Vht_Wsv Whole stem volume/ha of live trees Vha_nwd Whole stem volume/ha of dead trees Vol_nwb 12.5 cm Net merchantable stem volume. Whole stem volume net of stump and top, Cruiser Decay, Waste and Breakage ht_lor_l M lorey height live trees The basal area-weighted average height 3. Parametric vs Non-parametric Traditional regression modeling kNN and Random Forest imputations

15 4. LiDAR data processing Original DEM Re-tile Normalized CHM
CHM 1m filled

16 5. Statistical Analysis: parametric
Lorey Height by Strata Volume by Strata

17 Volume against p90 without stratification
Circled for >100m3/ha of dead volume

18 Lorey Height: predicted vs actual by strata and combined
Basal Area: predicted vs actual by strata and combined Whole Stem Volume: predicted vs actual by strata and combined

19 6. Statistical Analysis: non-parametric
Basal Area comparison Whole Stem Volume comparison

20 Summary 2015/2016 Ground sampling, measured, and compiled 223 plots
LiDAR CHM, QA, and metrics The 20m raster predicted BA, Quadratic diameter, gross/net volume, dead gross volume.

21 Summary 2016/2017 Integration with VRIMS
Enhanced spatial with new attributes Evaluation and validation Cost and benefit analysis Satellite canopy evaluation Implementation Final summary report

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