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Issaquah High School Clubs meeting

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1 Issaquah High School Clubs meeting

2 Key people to know ASB Bookkeeper- Margaret Pfeifle (Purchasing/Fundraising) Athletic and Activities Secretary- Laura Couty (Facility Requests and Transportation) Assistant Principals’ Secretary- Jill MacDonald (Field Trips) Activity Coordinator- Erin Connolly Student Activity Chairs- Elsa Bean and Aiden Miller

3 Interest Groups vs. Clubs
An advisor (staff member/teacher is required) Must have one designated student representative in charge Must be approved by ASB Executive Board and Activities Coordinator Minimum of 5 students participating regularly Must take regular attendance and submit attendance records to Activities Coordinator at the end of the school year No fundraising, purchases, or any financials No meeting minutes Meet a minimum of once a month Everyone in the interest group must be a current student at IHS An advisor Must be approved by ASB Executive Board, Activities Coordinator, and Student Senate Must have a governing board and elections each year A current constitution must be approved and on file with ASB and the Activities Coordinator by October 6th or within 1 month of Senate approval Minimum of 10 students participating regularly Have a minimum of bi-weekly meetings Makes purchases, fundraises, or receives donations Attendance and financial meeting minutes must be uploaded to google folder within 72 hours of a meeting Everyone in the club must be a current student at IHS

4 IHS Activities Webpage
Overview Club/Interest Group Applications Constitution Template Student Group Handbook Informed Consent Funding Requests Clubs and Activities List Check For Accuracy

5 Advisor Responsibilities
Key Points Follow all ASB, school, district, state policies Supervise students at all times Monitor all paperwork, scheduling, and events Clubs vs. Interest Groups Arrange and coordinate elections Turn in “Summary of Club Activities” at the end of school year Keep track of Club Hour Compensation and submit to Activity Coordinator

6 Club Folders Clubs Folder On Google Drive
Do NOT delete past years’ records Must upload Constitution, Meeting Attendance, and Financial Minutes regularly

7 Recording Keeping and Google Drive
Each club must submit the following to Google Drive Club Constitution Attendance Taken at every meeting and uploaded to Google Drive Folder Financial Minutes Must be recorded at any meeting where a financial decision is made Should include who motioned, who seconded, and vote A club should have officer elections at least once a year Minimum of a President, Vice President, and Treasurer Voting Rights

8 ASB Finance Review “Golden Rules of Finance for ASB Advisors” on page 8 of IHS Clubs Handbook

9 Purchases and Expenditures
All purchase orders must be completed and turned into the ASB Bookkeeper at least 2 weeks in advance. All items purchased with a PO become the school’s property Advisors should not sign any contracts, submit contract with purchase order for administrative approval and signature Be sure to include all approved purchases in your minutes! Approval date included in Purchase Order

10 Materials Reimbursements
Only ISD employees can be reimbursed for items purchased for clubs Single purchases cannot exceed $350 Original itemized receipts must be submitted with Materials Reimbursement Form Purchases must comply with ISD policies

11 Fundraisers Fundraising Request Form must be completed and turned into Bookkeeper at least 2 weeks before proposed start date of fundraiser Be sure to include all approved fundraisers in your minutes! Approval date included in Fundraising Request form

12 Cash Boxes Be sure to submit a cash box request at least 3 days ahead of time if a cash box will be needed Turn in ALL money to ASB Bookkeeper for deposit immediately following the event. All money collected must be dropped in cash box within 24 hours Cannot use Go Fund Me, Snap Raise, or similar fundraising sites

13 Donations/Sponsorships
All donations (monetary or material become property of Issaquah High School) Donations valued at $5000 or more must be approved by school board. Monetary Must be donated to the club’s account through the bookkeeper Sponsorships and Advertising Sponsorships less than $500 remain at school level, sponsorships greater than $500 go through the district’s Business Office to determine distribution Any advertisement/sponsorship agreement must be recorded through ISD Form 4321 F All sponsorship products, service, and ads must be consistent with district, state, and federal guidelines Display ads on students/staff is prohibited and ads must be temporary in nature

14 Requesting Funds ASB Booster Club ISF STEM Funding-Email Connolly
Initial Deadline is October 31st

15 Reserving School Facilities
Laura Couty to see if space is available at least 2 weeks before event. Be flexible with dates. Complete Activity Request Form and turn into Laura Couty. If a large crowd is expected or perishable food items are served a custodian is required and will be paid from your organization’s ASB account. Return everything to original state when event is finished.

16 Field Trips Major District Changes- See District Page
3 Categories of Field Trips Category 1: Routine Field Trips School sponsored, school chaperoned, conducted in 1 day in the greater Seattle area Category 2: Overnight/Extended Field Trips Students away from home overnight AND/OR Distance is greater than 150 miles from school Category 3:WIAA Field Trips

17 Routine Field Trips Application submitted to Jill MacDonald at least 14 days prior to field trip. Field trip may be denied if submitted less than 14 days before trip. 1:10 Teacher to Student Ratio Minimum of 2 chaperones to start, then 1:10 Parent/Guardian Permission forms secured from all participants at least 3 days prior to field trip You take originals on trip Submit copies to Jill MacDonald prior to leaving for field trip Requests for Student Transportation Laura Couty 3 weeks before field trip to set up transportation

18 Overnight Field Trips Pre-Approval Application submitted to Jill MacDonald at least 45 days prior for School Board approval Include proposed itinerary, fundraising plans, and supervision details Parent/Guardian Permission form returned at least 5 days prior to departure You keep original and take with you, copy submitted to Jill MacDonald Transportation No student drivers Contact Laura Couty to set up bus arrangements at least 30 days prior 1 informational meeting for students, parents, and chaperones

19 Student Supervision Students need to be supervised at all times during any school activity or function. This includes when students are making posters in the ASB room If the club advisor is unable to attend they must arrange for another ISD staff member to be present at the event.

20 Publicity iVision- email Posters
Subject line: Dates you want announcement read….what the subject of your announcement is Ex: 10/14/ /15/15…How to Submit Announcements to iVision Posters Supplies available in closet outside ASB Room No glitter Clean up and push posters to side Students must be supervised Do not use tape on painted wall surfaces, wood surfaces or windows Only use blue painter’s tape and tape behind paper Don’t place near fire censors Activity Coordinator Approval is needed (stamp) Posters will be removed after 2 weeks

21 General Club Information
ASB Membership All clubs members should have purchased an ASB Card Club Membership Must be current Issaquah High School Students in grades 9-12 Clubs List (please check for accuracy) Informed Consent Needed for any activity/club that involves physical activity and/or use of gardening tools

22 Major Changes for 17-18 Interest Groups vs. Clubs Field Trips
Minimum 2 chaperones 1:10 ratio New Forms Membership/Voting Terms outlined in Constitution Student Activities Fair Date- October 9th

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