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Website Evaluation Be a detective!

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Presentation on theme: "Website Evaluation Be a detective!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Website Evaluation Be a detective!

2 NO! Is everything you see on the web true? exaggerated information
untrue dates and ages biased information

3 schools in other countries
Domain Information Safe domains .edu .gov .k12 .sch higher education government agency public schools schools in other countries

4 Be wary of.... .com .org .net ~ commercial non-profit organization
network or commercial links to a personal page

5 Which site would be the most reliable?
1. 2. 3. 4.

6 Think Pair Share THINK: What are some things you might need to look at when evaluating the quality of a website? PAIR: Turn to a partner and discuss your ideas. SHARE: Share your ideas with your partner and then share out to the class.

7 The 5 "W's" of evaluation who what when where why

8 Who created the website? Is there a name and email address?

9 What is the domain extension? Is it reliable?

10 When was the site last updated?

11 Where did they get their information? Do they reference sources?

12 Why? Why did they create the site? Are they trying to inform, persuade, or sell?

13 Also look at the number of advertisements on the site
Websites with lots of ads are often unreliable

14 Let’s evaluate these website together

15 Now it’s your turn! Directions: Find a partner.
One person goes to StuShared, 5th, Technology FIT, and open the Website Evaluation form. One person scans the QR codes. Choose “Open URL in Safari.” Evaluate the websites. Do this for each QR code. You don’t have to go in order.


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