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E. Russell Hicks Middle School

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1 E. Russell Hicks Middle School
New Student Magnet Open House

2 Welcome!! Meet the Team Deron Crawford (Principal)
Ginger Scally (6th grade magnet social studies) Megan Sakadales (6th grade magnet English language arts) Crystal Drexel (7th grade magnet social studies/coordinator) Katie Harris (7th grade magnet English language arts) Amanda Baran (8th grade magnet social studies) Hannah Vann (8th grade magnet English language arts) Kevin Tressler (7th grade English language arts/ Technology and Humanities Enrichment Specialist)

3 The ERH Magnet Program Academic Coursework Related Arts Coursework
Magnet English Language Arts Magnet Social Studies Merit Science* Merit Math* *Some exceptions may apply Related Arts Coursework World Languages -Band -Performing Arts Art -Orchestra -Tech. Ed. Physical Education -Chorus Enrichment Opportunities Technology -Continuation of the MD Writing Art Project Humanities Communications

4 Merit vs. Magnet Merit Magnet Accelerated learning
Direct instruction with independent learning opportunities Multiple short-term assignments Cross-curricular instruction is encouraged when feasible Magnet Compacted county curriculum that allows for technology and humanities enrichment William and Mary Curriculum Units Student centered learning with less direct instruction Fewer long-term assignments Cross-curricular instruction is routine and happens consistently

5 Academic Interventions
Media Technology Special Opportunities Accelerated and compacted county curriculum Cross-curricular lessons Magnet specific texts -The Norton Anthology -The Hobbit -Animal Farm Implementation of 21st Century Learning Skills Teacher Creativity Training Higher Order Teaching Strategies Socratic Seminars Philosophical Chairs Facilitated Learning Arts Infusion William and Mary Units Jacob’s Ladder strategies Wireless laptop labs for each grade level Digital and video cameras Promethean interactive boards, slates, and dual user pens CPS clicker systems Podcast software Video conferencing tools Photostory, movie maker, IMovie Excessive use of internet based creativity tools One to one iPads MacBook class set Advanced morning announcement equipment Focus on college and career readiness Numerous extracurricular learning opportunities Smithsonian Interactive Dig 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Antietam Medieval Times College Visits Holocaust Museum Museum of Natural History Museum of American History Access to Washington CountyTechnical High School Media Programs Clubs

6 Sixth Grade Magnet A commonality among many magnet texts is the theme, a hero experiencing a journey or quest. Students read excerpts from the advanced level text The Norton Anthology: World Masterpieces. Additionally, students will read other novels that will support the curriculum. Completion of various independent mini projects which integrate research, art, reading, writing, and technology. Field trips to curriculum based sites such as: Museum of Natural History (Forensic Anthropology Labs).

7 Seventh Grade Magnet William and Mary Unit (1940’s)
Use of various informational text of a historical nature. Video diary creation of Holocaust victim/survivor Novelists that focus on various cultures or time periods. Chaucer, Bodeen, Barrie Poets who write in various forms. Compacted county social studies curriculum with a focus on cross curricular instruction.

8 Integration of the Humanities in literature and non-fiction.
Eighth Grade Magnet Integration of the Humanities in literature and non-fiction. Multimedia Projects Socratic Seminars Visual Thinking Strategies William & Mary Utopia Unit Threads of Change in 19th Century American Literature Unit We The People Document Based Questions Debates & Town Hall Meetings Daily integration with technology and multi-media Cross Curricular lesson planning

9 Summer Assignment All middle school magnet students in Washington County are expected to complete a summer assignment The purpose of the assignment is to prepare the student for the rigor of the class, front load necessary knowledge, and establish an overall theme for instruction. Summer assignments will be collected at the start of the school year and will counted in the marking period one grade.

10 Registration Any student whose home school is not E. Russell Hicks Middle School must enroll here. Enrollment Requirements Biological parent must enroll child WCPS enrollment form WCPS program attendance agreement Proof of residency Enrollment must be complete by July 15, 2014 *Call for additional information

11 Questions???

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