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Social Exclusion.

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1 Social Exclusion

2 Social Exclusion A multidimensional process of progressive social rupture, detaching groups and individuals from social relations and institutions and preventing them from full participation in the normal, normatively prescribed activities of the society in which they live.

3 Social Exclusion -The involuntary exclusion of individuals and groups from political, economic, and social processes, preventing their full participation in which they live. A form of alienation and denial of full citizenship experienced by particular groups of individuals and communities. In industrialized societies, a key determinant of social exclusion is uneven access to the processes of production, wealth creation and power.

4 History of Social Exclusion
France – 1970’s – Les Exclus 2 concerns: Certain types of disadvantage not captured by measures of income poverty and the multi-faceted nature of disadvantage (Boyd & Kirrily, 2010) Moved through the EU, UK and North America in the 1990’s – framed in social policy (Pierson, 2010) Concept arose in France in the 1970’s – used to describe the conditions of certain groups on the margins of society who were cut off both from employment and the welfare state (Pierson, 2010) Became a part of policy jargon, with a focus on reducing exclusion (Pierson, 2010)

5 Facts Poverty is one of the key factors in exclusion.
Cause of social exclusion: economic and social changes in free-market economies, and weaknesses in government policies and services. 2001 Census data: new immigrants, young workers, and Aboriginal people were at particularly high risk of being socially excluded and resigned to these deprived areas. People who are socially excluded are more vulnerable, and some may choose to push back in appropriate ways >>> disproportionate number of crimes are committed by people who are socially excluded.

6 What Causes Social Exclusion?
Economic, social, cultural exclusion Implicit/explicit systems of racism and discrimination Education differences Lack of access to job market Poverty Economic exclusion includes lack of access to labour markets, credit and other forms of “capital assets”. Social exclusion may take the form of discrimination along a number of dimension including gender, ethnicity and age, which reduce the opportunity for such groups to gain access to social services and limits their participation in the labour market.

7 Social Exclusion Experiences:
Lower levels of belonging, self-esteem, meaningful existence, and control. Increased stress and anxiety. Lack of perceived meaning in life. Feel less human, believe they are seen as less human by others. Evokes a psychological experience that resembles physical pain.

8 Groups Membership in groups
a. provides individuals with a sense of connectedness and the feeling of belonging with others. b. satisfies the desire for the maintenance and enhancement of self-identity and self-esteem. Group membership can offer their members valuable resources (like feelings of belonging), which can increase feelings of self-worth. Individuals may use their group membership (social identity) as a source of self-worth and pride.

9 Ethnocentrism Social exclusion experiences can be associated with positive attitudes towards one’s in-group and negative attitudes towards out-groups. Social exclusion can give rise to ethnocentrism (the preference for the in-group over out-groups). However, affirmation of one’s self-image can reduce prejudicial judgments of an out-group member.

10 Societal Implications
Transportation can limit inclusion for individuals -Communities must provide reliable public transportation Reduced access to resources (perceived or real) -Access to public transportation, healthcare, well-stocked affordable grocery stores is affected -Neighbourhoods may not receive adequate road service, maintenance, or protection from city officials. Linked to multiple societal issues -Equal opportunity -Citizenship opportunities -Income -Health issues

11 Social Capital Connection between social capital, poverty and social exclusion: “If a person who experiences poverty also lacks social relationships (bonding ties) and/or is not part of a broader network of acquaintances (bridging ties), this is likely to reinforce the negative effects of economic shortages, and reduce the likelihood of escaping poverty”. (Dahl et al, 2008).

12 Action Against Social Exclusion
Maximize income and welfare rights Understand and strengthen networks Build partnerships Promote participation Practice at the neighbourhood and community level

13 Mothers Have far greater anxiety and stress over maintaining their children’s social inclusion than their own. “Birthday party” example. Link between children’s participation in extra-curricular sport, inside and outside school, and increased student development, social connection and civic and political participation as an adult.

14 Older Men Men in their 50s are at a high risk of exclusion in things like activities, social relations, housing and subjective poverty.

15 Case Study The City of Calgary is determining if low-income transportation passes and further LRT lines will be included in the 2014 budget. You have been called together as a task force to help the City make decision around whether or not the low-income bus pass is still needed in the city, and what routes of our public transit system need expanded services or decreased services. Based on your assigned identities, and the theory of social exclusion, create a transportation strategy for the 2014 budget that includes access to transportation throughout Calgary for all community members. Be mindful of the needs and desires of your identity, and the networks of your identity in this discussion.

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