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Presentation on theme: " Introducing.. Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Windows Desktop Mapping Applications April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing.. Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Windows Desktop Mapping Applications April 2008

2 Postcode Professional and Postcode Express will turn your tables of data into knowledge..

3 ..such as turning a column of values

4 ..into colour coded thematic value map grouped into value ranges.. Just by selecting a column from a table and letting Postcode Professional or Postcode Express do the rest..

5 ..such as turning a column of names or identifiers

6 ..into colour coded territory map grouping postcodes together

7 ..such as turning whole table

8 ..into point map where each record from the table becomes a point on the map (available in Postcode Professional only)

9 To use tabular data in the mapping package place it into a CSV (text) file having as many columns as needed and a single header record naming those columns. Then use the menu option Table|Add|From File to import it

10 Then browse for the CSV file and select in the conventional way..

11 A dialogue window then prompts to confirm which column contains the postcode data, and optionally suburb name. (suburb name only used and required for more accurate point display option). The Postcode column is then checked for validity and any warnings are issued if necessary and the table becomes available for map operations.

12 Using menu option Map|Add|Values will load values from the selected table and column and create a colour coded thematic map..

13 ..which will then arrange data in colour coded value ranges and you can see where you have the most, or least, of something.

14 With the ‘statistics’ window you can easily get totals for any selected area (in white as shown) simply by opening and clicking areas on the map to see how the total changes..

15 The same selection tool can also be used to group postcodes and define custom regions.. Of any size, shape and number..


17 And with your custom regions use Territory|Report to automatically summarise totals for regions against any table of values..

18 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Map Content ExpPro National zoomable and selectable postcode map Simplified postcode shape Detailed postcode shape National road layer Simplified roads Detailed highways Detailed selected main roads Railway and Rail station layer Major town labels Detailed suburb labels Urban areas selectable map layer

19 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Table Handling ExpPro Import CSV text file Retain all tables and not just most recently imported Map Presentation Thematic map colour coded by value Territory map colour coded by group Selective postcode, label and point display Display points. Can vary symbol by table content Display labels Map Search Search by postcode or suburb name Nearest locations in table to given postcode Nearest territory to given postcode

20 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Territory Management ExpPro Build territories based on table & column content Build territories by map selection using mouse Edit territories with one click add/remove using mouse Add,remove individual territories Define groups containing multiple territories Add,remove territories with single group name selection Export territories Legend showing territory name and colour Report showing total values by territory Analyse and display gaps and overlaps

21 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Value Handling ExpPro Colour code postcodes by value from table Legend with colour palette selection, custom ranges Show total value varying with map selection Show total value by territory Point Handling Show records from table as points Postcode, and optional suburb, precision Vary symbol type by content from table Selective symbol display Flyover and selective labels

22 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Table Handling ExpPro Individual postcode select/unselect using mouse Select by radius using mouse Select by rectangle using mouse Select by any shape using mouse Select by current view Select by value Select by any given postcodes Select by table Select by territory

23 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Label Tools ExpPro Custom formula ability with map and information lookup Add by view Add where selected Add where has value Add where displayed as territory Add from city, town, suburb map layers Custom font, colour and text attributes Edit, move, copy, delete tools Export by view, selection, territory Add plain text Add text from points

24 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Map View Tools ExpPro Save current view by name Restore any saved view by name View all, any previous views Zoom in, out, left, right, up, down Drag map to any position View extent of selections, values, territory, table Information Windows Value legend: custom palette, value ranges Summary statistics: show total value with selection changes Map information: Suburb names, Table, Territory, Point lookup

25 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Other facilities ExpPro Script language for automating tasks Print, copy current map Edit options and preferences Export selections and postcodes Define and switch between multiple profiles Undo selections

26 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Postcode Express at regional scale Simplified single road layer

27 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Postcode Professional Detailed highways Detailed selected main roads

28 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Postcode Express at city scale Simplified single road layer

29 Compare Postcode Express and Postcode Professional Postcode Professional Detailed highways Detailed selected main roads Railways (not shown)

30 For more information contact: 02-4877-2400

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