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Home Site Map FAQ Certif. Glossary Contact Help Search

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Presentation on theme: "Home Site Map FAQ Certif. Glossary Contact Help Search"— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Site Map FAQ Certif. Glossary Contact Help Search Feedback HT Navigate Heads are bullets FAME logo Welcome to FAME!! The Faculty and Administrator Modules in Higher Education (FAME) are online training modules designed to improve the quality of education for college students with disabilities. FAME consists of five modules: <link to Margo’s video> Rights and Responsibilities (R&R) – Understand how faculty, students, and Disability Support Services (DSS) personnel work together in the accommodations, teaching, and learning process. <Jen>. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) – Design instruction materials and content to benefit a wide spectrum of learning styles and abilities. <link to Evette>. Web Accessibility & Assistive Technology (WEB) – Make usable web pages, regardless of disability or method of access. <link to Shawn>. College Writing (CW) – Create writing assignments to help students overcome the challenges of written expression. <link to Brenda>. Climate Assessment (CA) – Develop a process to understand and evaluate how the campus views and responds to students with disabilities. <link to Scott>. FAME is intended as both a resource and a certification training program <link to term in glossary or FAQ>. <Provide navigational instructions as to where each button will take them>. I am searching for a specific topic. I am looking for Certification.

2 I want to learn more about this subject…
Certification Page 2 FAME logo Why are you here? I want to learn more about this subject… from a faculty member’s perspective from an administrator’s perspective I am here for certification training (tell me more…) I am a returning user Password Log on or help I want to register for the certification program I am searching for specific information Log on Help

3 There are four tools to help you find the information you need:
Specific information Page 2 Site Map Certification Home FAQ Glossary Contact Help Search FAME logo Site Feedback HT Nav. There are four tools to help you find the information you need: The Site Map allows you to search the content page headings for a specific topic of interest. A Search allows you to find a specific term or topic of interest located throughout the content. The Glossary allows you to search for specific definitions, and directs you to a discussion of those terms and relevant material in the content. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) allows you to search specific questions you may have, and directs you to further answers in the content.

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