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Daily Notices Assembly Yr 9 Venue - Hall Wednesday 20th September

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Notices Assembly Yr 9 Venue - Hall Wednesday 20th September"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Notices Assembly Yr 9 Venue - Hall Wednesday 20th September
Day A Cycle 4 Assembly Yr 9 Venue - Hall

2 General Announcements
Well done to the homerooms of Mr Stokes, Ms Van Heerden, Ms Lee & Mr Lahmidi, your full set of signed Online Information Verification letters have been received ;-) Who will be next/last?!?! The office have extended your parent log on until 21st September. This information is essential if you want to go to Thailand, EOTC & even go on day trips.. Add a reminder to your phone NOW to do it tonight! Extra letters outside A200.


4 Back to School Carnival
The annual Back to School Carnival is taking place on Saturday September 23rd at Gubei Campus.   50 local service companies and organisations are coming to provide fun packed games and activities for our students and families. There are also many exciting raffle prizes, delicious food and various performances that will keep everyone entertained. This event is organised by POP (Parent Organisation Puxi) aims to welcome YCIS families, old and new alike to our wonderful school community. Tickets available in office from TODAY and also on the day. Funds raised will support POP to organise other events in the year.

5 Let’s get ready to RUMBLE!
Register now with Ms. Kerzee or Ms. Jing PAN in the Music Suite – B317, 315 Deadline to Register – 28th September Battle is December 8th. Let’s get ready to RUMBLE! Battle of the Bands

6 ORDER YOUR YCIS HOODIE Forms are online on Moodle Go to:
Courses Curriculum Enhancement CAS – Students Student Council HOODIE Orders Return money to envelope in your homeroom register – Year 7-12 = 165 RMB, Year 13 = 165 RMB (plain) or 215 RMB (customised) FINAL DAY TOMORROW!

7 YEARBOOK Article Team.. Submission Reminder – LAST Day!
Submit to the completed article on MOODLE by 20th Sept MOODLE/CURRICULUM ENHANCEMENT/CAS Students/YEARBOOK Good luck Miss Forde & Mr Marsh

8 Miss Forde invites you all to learn how to crochet with her
Miss Forde invites you all to learn how to crochet with her! (I will be learning at the same time!) When : Day Where : C203 5RMB for the first visit (you will receive 1 x crochet needle and 1 x ball of wool) 3RMB for extra balls of wool Just drop by any Day A (no commitment needed ;-)

9 General Announcements

10 This Thursday is the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE
The aim of the day of peace is for every human being to have one day free of any violence and conflict. On Thursday Be mindful of this and practice peace by being patient and kind. You can participate by watching this short video: On Thursday please add your voice to our messages of peace Display in the cafeteria


12 Lower Secondary

13 International Standard Assessments (ISA) Schedule
Year 7 Monday September 25th and Tuesday September 26th Gubei Hall DAY ONE Monday P1-P3 Orientation 8:15am-8:25am Math Part 1 8:25am -9:15am Break 9:15am – 9:30am Math Part 2 9:30am-10:05am Break 10:05am – 10:25am Writing Task A 10:30am-11.10am Return to normal classes (Period 4) DAY TWO Tuesday P1-P2 Orientation 8:15am-8:20am Reading 8:20am -9:15am Writing Task B 9:30am-10:10am Break 10:10am – 10:25am Return to normal classes (Period 3)

14 International Standard Assessments (ISA) Schedule
Tuesday P3-P5 Orientation 10:30am-10:40am Math Part 1 10:40am -11:30am Break 11:30am – 11:45am Math Part 2 11:45am-12:20pm Lunch Break 12:20pm- 12:35pm (Organise with cafeteria) Writing Task A 1:00pm- 1:40pm Return to normal classes (Period 6) Wednesday P1-P2 Orientation 8:15am-8:20am Reading 8:20am -9:15am Break 9:15am – 9:30am Writing Task B 9:30am-10:10am Break 10:10am – 10:25am Return to normal classes (Period 3) International Standard Assessments (ISA) Schedule Year 8 Tuesday September 25th and Wednesday September 27th Gubei Hall

15 International Standard Assessments (ISA) Schedule
Wednesday P3-P5 Orientation 10:30am-10:40am Math Part 1 10:40am -11:30am Break 11:30am – 11:45am Math Part 2 11:45am-12:20pm Lunch Break 12:20pm- 12:35pm (Organise with cafeteria) Writing Task A 1:00pm- 1:40pm Return to normal classes (Period 6) Thursday P1-P2 Orientation 8:15am-8:20am Reading 8:20am -9:15am Break 9:15am – 9:30am Writing Task B 9:30am-10:10am Break 10:05am – 10:25am Return to normal classes (Period 3) International Standard Assessments (ISA) Schedule Year 9 Wednesday September 27th and Thursday September 28th Gubei Hall

16 CISSA Girls Soccer meeting today at morning break in D102.

17 Every Tuesday and Wednesday Afterschool
Basketball workout AN ASAP organised By XZ and Wally (Y13) Every Tuesday and Wednesday Afterschool No need for sign ups, just show up at the large quad afterschool Bring sports wear for your benefit 3:40 – 5:00 Tactics, skills, and exciting games! Y7-9, all genders :)

18 Upper Secondary & IB

Theme: Black ties and fireflies Location: Hall Time: pm Tickets are available for purchase from - your homeroom teacher (located in the envelope in the register). Ticket money should be put in the envelope. - during morning & lunch break (near the entrance of D house and cafeteria) - at the door, Friday night Price: 30 RMB or 50 RMB at the door

20 Staff Notices When creating Office365 Teams, please use “YCSHGB” in front of team names.

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