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Cell Vocabulary Quiz – Part 1

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1 Cell Vocabulary Quiz – Part 1

2 History/Important People

3 Robert Hooke

4 Discovered Cells Answer

5 Anton Van leeuwenhoek

6 He was the first person to see living cells.

7 Schleiden Schwann Virchow

8 Answer Schleiden – Plants are made of cells
Schwann – Animals are made of cells. Virchow – New cells come from existing cells. Answer

9 Cell theory / Cell Types

10 Cell Theory

11 Our modern day view of cells. It is a theory about cells. It states:
Cells are the basic unit of life. All living things are made of cells. New cells are made from existing cells. Answer

12 Eukaryote

13 Eukaryotes are more complex cells that have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles.

14 Prokaryotes

15 Answer Simple cells that are known as single celled organisms.
They have no nucleus or membrane bound organelles Answer

16 Microorganism

17 A small or microscopic organism usually a prokaryote.

18 Cell Organelles

19 Organelles

20 An organized and specialized structure in a cell
An organized and specialized structure in a cell. Will provide a specific function to the cell. Answer

21 Chloroplast

22 An organelle in plants that allows photosynthesis to occur
An organelle in plants that allows photosynthesis to occur. This organelle is only in plants. Answer

23 Chlorophyll

24 The green pigment inside the chloroplast.

25 Vacuole

26 Vacuoles are water filled sacks that hold nutrients for the cell
Vacuoles are water filled sacks that hold nutrients for the cell. Animals have small vacuoles while plant cells have one large central vacuole. Answer

27 Cell Wall

28 Provides structure and protection for prokaryotes and plant cells
Provides structure and protection for prokaryotes and plant cells. These are only found in these two cell types (NOT ANIMAL CELLS) Answer

29 Cytoplasm

30 The combination of liquid and other things (nutrients, ect
The combination of liquid and other things (nutrients, ect..) that are inside the cell. Basically this is the liquid portion of the inside of the cell with things dissolved inside it. Answer

31 Cell Membrane

32 Answer An organelle that allows substances to enter or leave the cell.
It is a phospholipid bilayer that has a hydrophobic interior. All cells have this! Answer

33 Phospholipid Bilayer

34 Answer Makes up most of the cell membrane.
Made of phosphates (hydrophilic) and lipids (hydrophobic) It is a bilayer or has two layers Answer

35 Nucleus

36 The brain of a cell, it holds the DNA and the nucleolus (ribosome production).
These are only found in eukaryotic cells. Answer

37 Endoplasmic Reticulum

38 Answer Site for protein synthesis Two types: Rough & Smooth
Proteins are made in ribosomes in the rough ER and are packaged and sent to the golgi Answer

39 Golgi Apparatus

40 A folded membrane where proteins are folded and made functional
A folded membrane where proteins are folded and made functional. The Golgi then sends those proteins to the appropriate places. Answer

41 Mitochondria

42 A cell organelle where cellular respiration happens
A cell organelle where cellular respiration happens. This is where our cell creates energy for itself. Answer

43 Ribosome

44 Answer A small organelle that is made of protein and rRNA.
Ribosomes are responsible for making proteins. Answer

45 Lysosome

46 A small sack that is responsible for destroying old cell parts or cell parts that are diseased and need to be removed. answer

47 Flagellum

48 A single projection off a cell that allows movment.

49 Cilia

50 Smaller projections that come off the outside of a cell
Smaller projections that come off the outside of a cell. The are many of these projections and help the cell with movement and cell recognition (the cell’s ability to tell what things outside the cell are doing). Answer

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