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EOS discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "EOS discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 EOS discussion

2 Most important open questions and things to be done
Keeping the astrophysical application in mind (core-collapse supernovae, NS mergers, GRBs, nucleosynthesis, gravitational waves … ) Show slides if you want!

3 Cluster formation, medium modifications, non-uniform matter
Significant modeling required Uniform nuclear matter: ab-inito approaches, many-body microscopic, and realistic forces vs. phenomenological approaches Are well calibrated DFTs enough? How far can we go with ab-initio? Distinguish high/low T and rho Saturation point, up to 2 rho and low T under control (?)

4 Missing constraints at high densities besides 2 M_sun
Perspective: Information from short GRBs (e.g. extraction of real M_max), but astrophysical understanding complete? Use all available information identify unambiguous constraints, vs. general EOS influence Gravitational waves, NS mergers more finite T, Y_e, and different composition EOS needed and simulations for extraction of EOS properties Realistic EOS, include weak interactions Conditions for nucleosynthesis, Y_e, dependence on EOS High magnetic fields Influence on the crust, e.g. cooling of magnetars via transport and elastic properties Realistic values, and for which timescales persistent General question of equilibrium and timescales and EOS

5 Eos at high temperatures, T>TF
Additional baryonic/mesonic DoFs: Hyperons, Deltas, Pions Hyperon puzzle solved? Quark matter At which density/temperature? Absolute stability? Reliable models? Problem of MIT bag (also NJL): unknown parameters Better approaches available or not? Maximum mass problem in other approaches Isospin dependence Chiral invariant and confining Similar problems in heavy-ion collisions Missing baryonic DoFs «Nature» of quark-hadron phase coexistence Kind/order of QCD phase transition

6 Phase transitions Correct treatment? Which one? EOS tables for astrophysical simulations Current status satisfactory? best-fit vs. variety of models Compose database Format of tables (T, n_B, Y_e good?) Solid conversion to other formats (energy or entropy) Polynomial fits Neutrino response and transport properties Unified description, also for clusterized/non-uniform matter? Off-equilibrium crucial for neutrino opacities

7 Ideas for new astrophysical phenomenology/scenarios
Burning to quark matter, Quarknova, transition to third family in mergers, … Strategy?

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