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Smartphone or Sillyphone?

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Presentation on theme: "Smartphone or Sillyphone?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smartphone or Sillyphone?
Which one do you have?

2 So, how much are we worth as a group?
How much are all the phones in the room worth?

3 What smart stuff can your phone do? Copy from the list below
Make phone calls Send and receive texts Take photos Send photos Tell you the time Play games Access social media Tell you the weather Tell you where you are Record your voice Wake you up Play music Access the internet ?

4 What silly stuff can your phone do? Copy from the list below
Attract the attention of thieves or muggers Distract you when you should be doing something else Stop you from crossing the road safely Film people fighting Send upsetting messages to others Send embarrassing pictures to others Substitute a real conversation with someone Break friendships Make enemies Cost you and your parents a lot of money Get you arrested and jailed Get you excluded from school Stop you from learning real social skills

5 So, which phone do you have?
Talk to your partner for five minutes and make note of how much of the smart stuff you use and how much of the silly stuff.

6 Is it worth the cost ?



9 Watch This
What is the video trying to say? What do you think?

10 Smart or Silly? It’s up to you
When you use your phone in a smart way it can be brilliant Use it in a silly way and it just causes grief, for others and, ultimately, for you !

11 Get a Smartphone, not a Sillyphone.

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