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Networking Public Wifi and Print Sharing

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1 Networking Public Wifi and Print Sharing
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

2 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Agenda Public Wifi Policy change in 2016 Router based networks Windows Print Sharing 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

3 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Typical Use Typical secure Tax-Aide Network 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

4 Public Wifi Setup Internet Personal Systems
Tax-Aide Printer Library/Building Public Wifi Tax-Aide Laptops Public Library Systems 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

5 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
The Danger See Read-aheads in next slide The ease of use of the tools is now such that any bored teenager in a public library can use them. It is easy to steal userIds and passwords even on secure connections, when connected via Public wifi. 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

6 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Read Aheads Man in the Middle attack demonstration ( -rDjWo – Using Kali Linux tools) demonstrates-risks-of-using-public-wi-fi public-wifi-is-a-public-health-hazard- dd5b8dcb55e6#.9k9l3xkom eres-what-an-eavesdropper-sees-when-you- use-an-unsecured-wi-fi-hotspot.html Man in the Middle attack theory 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

7 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2016 Policy Change AARP Foundation Tax-Aide National Leadership Team has endorsed the position that Public Wifi can only be used to obtain access to the Internet using a Wisp router, Network Extender or PC. This includes a prohibition on Internet based printing. Public wifi in this context is any network for which access is easily and widely available. Whether or not a password is used is irrelevant. 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

8 Netis router “standard”
NTC does NOT create “standards” NTC documents best practices and recommendations TCS and TC’s can choose their own router. If detailed Tax-Aide setup instructions are needed the well documented Netis router should be used. The Netis router works well when used with a wired internet connection. It does not work well with a wireless internet connection. The TP-Link Wisp routers have proven successful in Tax-Aide use when wireless internet connection is needed. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

9 My network is secure so windows print sharing is ok – WRONG!
Very likely that there will be no issues Security breaches are very low probability. “Security by Obscurity” works – in general. If an event occurs the consequences of high and negative. Huge workload for local volunteers identifying and notifying affected Taxpayers If publicized then very negative for program 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

10 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
“My Network is Secure” Multi-layered security Secure router based network Up to date on Windows Update Microsoft Defender, or better a 3rd party anti-malware. No File or Print Sharing No use of computers for anything other than Tax Prep. (No downloaded games in March) Attachment of non Tax Prep, or personal computers for Tax Prep are our biggest single risk. If possible do not do it. Violation of any of these brings risk 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

11 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Windows Print Sharing Opens up a sharing connection between networked systems If a single system becomes infected, all systems become infected – this has generally been true over PC history. WannaCry ransomware used the print sharing Ports as a distribution method. ( (SMB Port 445 and Port 139) Petya wiper malware also used the sharing ports ( malware.html) Using Print Sharing unnecessarily increases our security risks. All security involves a convenience/simplicity vs enhanced security trade off. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

12 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Questions ??? 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

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