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CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System

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Presentation on theme: "CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System"— Presentation transcript:

1 CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System
Project co-PI Collaborator

2 Meeting Agenda Monday Tuesday Wednesday --Training
8:30 to 10 Project Overview 10:30 – noon Project PIs Lunch provided here 1-3 Live HIS demos 3:30 – 5PM Discussion and feedback, User Assessment Tuesday 8:30 – 10AM Summary of User Assessment 10:30 – noon Related programs 1-3 National data sets 3:30 – 5PM Other projects related to HIS Wednesday --Training Hydrologic Digital Library Digital Watershed

3 CUAHSI Hydrologic Information Systems

4 Environmental Cyberinfrastructure
Part of NSF Cyberinfrastructure program Special emphasis on environmental sciences fostered by Margaret Leinen (Asst Dir for GeoSciences) CUAHSI Hydrologic Information Systems is one of several pilot projects

5 Contains documents, datasets, tools, presentations, tutorials
More data at ftp sites linked to CD links to project websites at individual universities Link to CD

6 Hydrologic Information System

7 1. Hydrologic Observations Database
System Sampling Sensing Transmission Recording Laboratory Analysis Transmission Editing Storage Recording Off-Site Measurement On-Site Measurement Retrieval

8 Hydrologic Observations Database
A relational database stored in Access, PostgreSQL, SQL/Server, …. Stores observation data made at points Access data through web interfaces Fill using automated data harvesting Streamflow Groundwater levels Precipitation & Climate Soil moisture data Water Quality Flux tower data

9 Data Cube Space, L Time, T Variables, V D

10 Data Cube in Arc Hydro Time, TSDateTime TSValue Space, FeatureID
Variables, TSTypeID

11 Geospatial Time Series
Properties (Type) A Value-Time array Value Time A time series that knows what geographic feature it describes and what type of time series it is Shape

12 ArcIMS Website for hydrologic observational data
Neuse basin Thanks to ESRI San Antonio

13 Output from the ArcIMS website
Data open directly in Excel

14 Database Design Relationships

15 Automated Data Harvesting
Begin with a site file showing where data are available Develop automated harvesting tools to ingest observations from agency websites John Helly has done this for the NWIS data NWIS Surface Water Sites (Ken Lanfear) ACIS Climate Stations (Bill Noon)

16 Hydrologic Statistics
Upmanu Lall is our expert in this area Time Series Analysis D Geostatistics Multivariate analysis How do we understand space-time correlation fields of many variables?

17 Aquatic Ecology What kind of ecological observation data should we be collecting? What kind of HIS does an aquatic ecologist need? LeRoy Poff is our expert in this area Hydrology Ecology Geomorphology

18 Some Conclusions Hydrologic Observations Database design works and is ready for independent review and testing Automated data harvesting may produce a “one stop shop” for observational data There will never be enough database fields to describe all we want to know about data We need a hybrid database—files solution This is what the San Diego Supercomputer Center is doing for us “Pile of files” Relational database

19 Hydrologic Information System

20 Sensor Network Interfaces to Digital Library
John Helly is our expert in this subject! Example is for wireless network in Santa Margarita watershed, San Diego

21 HydroViewer Provides Access to…
Neuse Watershed Collection Santa Margarita Watershed Collection + your Hydrologic Observatory Data Collection

22 CUAHSILink enables ArcMap to read files directly from the Digital
Library through an application programming interface

23 New Concept of Publication
Hydrologic Digital Library Normal Method +

Page 3 The Demands Sensor Arrays Numerical Models Prediction HSPF Air-Q MM5 Data Centers NCDC USGS NWIS NCEP NWS NGDC METADATA Individual Samples Drexel University, College of Engineering

25 Ontologies for Metadata Profile
Page 10 Ontologies for Metadata Profile Hydrologic Metadata A consistent suite of geographic information schemata that will allow Geographic information to be integrated with information technology. ISO norm Semantic WEB Definition: The Semantic Web is the representation of data on the World Wide Web. It is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF), which integrates a variety of applications using XML for syntax and URIs for naming. "The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation." Hydrologic Ontology Prepare the CUAHSI Metadata Profile for the Future! Drexel University, College of Engineering

26 Hydrologic Processes Sedimentation
Page 21 More Ontologies Upper Hydrologic Ontology We currently have What we need is Many More ISO Temporal Objects ARCHydro ISO Geospatial Many More USGS Hydrologic Unit Code ISO Units/Conversion Hydrologic Processes Sedimentation Many More Michael Piasecki is our expert in this subject! Many More Ontology Examples Drexel University, College of Engineering

27 Hydrologic Information System

28 2. Hydrologic Representation
Observation Data Geospatial Data (GIS) (Relational database or delimited ascii) Digital Watershed Remote Sensing Data Weather and Climate Data (EOS-HDF) (NetCDF)

29 Hydrologic Data Model We need to represent the physical environment
Hydrologic Fluxes and Flows Digital Watershed (Atmospheric, surface and subsurface water) We need to represent the physical environment and water flowing through it

30 Created first for the Neuse basin
Digital Watershed: An implementation of the CUAHSI Hydrologic Data Model for a particular region Created first for the Neuse basin

31 Neuse Atmospheric Water
Daily precipitation data from NCDC gages Nexrad daily rainfall rasters Land surface – atmosphere fluxes from North American Regional Reanalysis of climate


33 Neuse Surface Water Streamflow, water quality hydrologic observational data GIS: River network, water bodies, watersheds, monitoring points Land cover, soils, MODIS remote sensing (Praveen Kumar) MODIS Terrain and Land Cover

34 ArcIMS Web Server displaying data
compiled in Neuse HO Planning Study

35 Neuse Basin: Coastal aquifer system
Section line Beaufort Aquifer * From USGS, Water Resources Data Report of North Carolina for WY 2002

36 Neuse Groundwater Geovolumes of hydrogeologic units
from US Geological survey (GMS)

37 Create a 3 dimensional representation
Geovolume Each cell in the 2D representation is transformed into a 3D object Geovolume with model cells

38 HIS-USA Base map information for building digital watersheds anywhere in the US Hydrologic Observatory regions Monitoring site files National river network connected to HUC watersheds Hydrologic landscape regions

39 Hydrologic Information System

40 and Knowledge Discovery
3.Hydrologic Analysis Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Hydrologic Process Modeling Digital Watershed Visualization Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

41 Data Driven Discovery Tools Praveen Kumar is our expert on this subject!

42 D2K i2K Geostatistics Time Series Analysis Multivariate analysis D
Data to Knowledge D2K Jan Feb 4-D Data Model Space, L Time, T Variables, V D i2K Image to Knowledge Data Files

43 Hydrologic Flux Coupler
Hydrologic Fluxes and Flows Digital Watershed (Atmospheric, surface and subsurface water) We want to do water, mass, energy and water balances

44 Neuse Observatory Prototype Study

45 HydroVolumes Take a watershed and extrude it vertically into the atmosphere and subsurface A hydrovolume is “a volume in space through which water, energy and mass flow, are stored internally, and transformed”

46 Watershed Hydrovolumes
Geovolume is the portion of a hydrovolume that contains solid earth materials USGS Gaging stations

47 Stream channel Hydrovolumes

48 Continuous Space Data Model -- NetCDF
Time, T Coordinate dimensions {X} D Space, L Variable dimensions {Y} Variables, V

49 Discrete Space-Time Data Model
Time, TSDateTime TSValue Space, FeatureID Variables, TSTypeID

50 Flux Coupling Table All Hydrofeatures have a unique HydroID
Coupling table links all features that have flux and flow data needed for the water balance 9748 9614 9623 9749 Flux and flow data

51 Flows and Fluxes Q P, E, R

52 Net Inflow and Cumulative Storage
Monthly water balance for one watershed hydrovolume for 2001 Storage Net Inflow This water balance does not close very well – we need better data!

53 Hydrologic Information System
A combination of geospatial and temporal hydrologic information which supports analysis, modeling and decision making Modeling

54 Connecting Arc Hydro and Hydrologic Models
GIS Interface data models HMS Geo Database Arc Hydro data model RAS Modflow This requires time series data bridges between geodatabase and binary files for hydrologic models

55 Conclusions Hydrologic Observations Database and Hydrologic Digital Library are functional and reading for testing Digital Watershed for Neuse has been built and can be expanded we’d be pleased to work with other Observatory teams to help them build a Digital Watershed Work on hydrologic flux coupler is developing

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