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SIG-ICPC First Meeting

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1 SIG-ICPC First Meeting

2 What is ICPC? ICPC – International Collegiate Programming Competitions
ICPC is a SIG (Special Interest Group) within ACM (Association for Computing Machines) here at UIUC focused on competitive programming and programming competitions, specifically the competitions leading up to World Finals. UIUC ACM SIG-ICPC for short (Just ICPC works too)

3 Events this Semester Weekly Practices: Next Wednesday at 7-9 PM
Mondays 7-9 PM after that Try-outs: September 18th and September 24th Regionals: November 6th

4 ICPC Eligibility sionTree-2016.pdf

5 Weekly Practices Beginner Section (front of the room):
90 minute long contest environment with open help on solving problems Give beginner’s a chance to try their hand at problems while being able to get live assistance if they run into problems Advanced Section (back of the room): Weekly minute competitions, same format as last semester New Programming League. Performance carries over across weeks – live leaderboard on the website showing the top 10 programmers. Potential sponsorship and cash prizes

6 What is Allowed in a Contest?
Beginner Section: Anything goes, Google, asking questions, talking to people next to you, etc. Make sure to keep volume at a whisper level Advanced Section: Standard contest rules, no Googling, talking, etc. You may ask clarification questions although there is no guarantee you will get a helpful answer due to the contest nature

7 Using Virutal Judge Google “Virtual Judge” and click the first link
Click “Register” in the top right hand corner Set your username to be your netid and select a password, all other info is optional so fill it out only if you wish. If you participated in ICPC last semester and made your username anything but your netid you will need to make a new account Once registered and logged in, click the “Contest” button. Click it, don’t click the drop down menu, just the button itself In the title field search for the name of the contest Enter the contest password and await for the contest to begin

8 CS 491 CAP If you want to go to regionals make sure to be registered for CS 491 CAP

9 This Week’s Contest Info
Beginner Contest: Contest Name: “ICPC_Fall_Beginner_1” Password: “hello icpc” Advanced Contest: Contest Name: “ICPC_Fall_Advanced_1”

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