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اللحظات الأخيره The Last Moments…
اللحظات الأخيره قبل الوفاة ، آخر شئ للرسول كان حجة الوداع، وبعدها نزل قول الله عز وجل ”اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الاسلام دينا .. فبكي أبوبكر الصديق عند سماعه هذه الآيه فقالوا له مايبكيك يا أبوبكر انها آيه مثل كل آيه نزلت علي الرسول .. فقال : هذا نعي رسول الله Before his death, the last action by the Messenger (pbuh) was the “farewell hajj.” And after it, Allah’s words were revealed “On this day, I have completed for you your religion, and bestowed upon you My bounties, and am satisfied with Islam as a religion for you.” Sayyidna Abu Bakr cried when he heard this verse. They asked him: “Why do you cry Abu Bakr? It’s a verse just like any verse revealed to the Messenger.” He replied “This is Allah’s indication to us that the end of the Messenger of Allah’s life is approaching.”
اللحظات الأخيره وعاد الرسول .. وقبل الوفاه ب 9 أيام نزلت آخر ايه من القرآن واتقوا يوما ترجعون فيه الي الله ثم توفي كل نفس ما كسبت وهم لا يظلمون وبدأ الوجع يظهر علي الرسول فقال : أريد أن أزور شهداء أحد فذهب الي شهداء أحد ووقف علي قبور الشهداء وقال : السلام عليكم يا شهداء أحد أنتم السابقون وإنا إنشاء الله بكم لاحقون وإني إنشاء الله بكم لاحق And the Messenger returned from the hajj…and before his death by 9 days, the verses were revealed from the Quran: “And fear a day that you will return to Allah, and every soul shall be given what it has earned, and they won’t be treated unjustly.” And the sickness began to show on the Messenger (pbuh) and he said “I want to visit the martyrs of Uhud.” So he went to the martyrs of Uhud and he stood at their graves and said “Peace be upon you, O martyrs of Uhud. You are the previous ones to pass, and we will inshaAllah follow you, and I will inshaAllah follow you.”
اللحظات الأخيره وأثناء رجوعه من الزياره بكي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قالوا ما يبكيك يا رسول الله ؟ قال : اشتقت الي إخواني ، قالوا أولسنا إخوانك يا رسول الله ؟ قال : لا أنتم أصحابي ، أما إخواني فقوم يأتون من بعدي يؤمنون بي ولم يروني . اللهم أنا نسالك أن نكون منهم And during his return from visiting them, the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) cried. His companions asked, “What makes you cry Oh Messenger of Allah?” He replied “I miss my brothers.” They said “Are we not your brothers, Oh Messenger of Allah?” He said, “No, you are my companions. My brothers are a people who will come after me, and who believe in me without seeing me.” Oh Allah, we ask You to make us of those people.
اللحظات الأخيره وعاد الرسول ، وقبل الوفاه ب 3 أيام بدأ الوجع يشتد عليه وكان في بيت السيده ميمونه ، فقال اجمعوا زوجاتي ، فجمعت الزوجات ، فقال النبي :أتأذنون لي أن أمرض في بيت عائشه ؟ فقلن أذن لك يا رسول الله فأراد أن يقوم فما استطاع فجاء علي بن أبي طالب والفضل بن العباس فحملا النبي وخرجوا به من حجرة السيده ميمونه الي حجرة السيده عائشه فرآه الصحابه علي هذا الحال لأول مره And the Messenger (pbuh) returned, and before his death by 3 days, the sickness began to worsen for him. He was in the house of Al sayyida Maymoona (one of his wives) and he said, “Gather my wives” so his wives were gathered. He said to them, “Do you give me permission to be taken care of in the house of Aisha? (another one of his wives)” so they replied “We give you permission Oh Messenger of Allah.” He tried to get up but he couldn’t, so his cousins, Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fadl bin Al Abbas carried him, and left with him from his room to Aisha’s home. The companions saw this (the Prophet being carried) for the first time, and they were astounded.
اللحظات الأخيره فيبدأ الصحابه في السؤال بهلع ماذا أحل برسول الله .. ماذا أحل برسول الله فتجمع الناس في المسجد وامتلأ وتزاحم الناس عليه .فبدأ العرق يتصبب من النبي بغزاره ، فقالت السيده عائشه : لم أر في حياتي أحد يتصبب عرقابهذا الشكل . فتقول : كنت آخذ بيد النبي وأمسح بها وجهه لأن يد النبي أكرم وأطيب من يدي. وتقول :فأسمعه يقول : لا اله إلا الله ، إن للموت لسكرات مره So the companions began fearfully asking “What happened to the Messenger of Allah?” So the people were gathered at the mosque and it became crowded on the Prophet (pbuh) and he began sweating heavily. Al sayyida Aisha said “I never saw anyone in my life sweat in such a way” and she continues to say “I would take his hand and wipe his face with it because his own hand is more exalted and noble than mine, and I heard him saying: ‘There is no God but Allah, indeed death has its pains.’”
اللحظات الأخيره فتقول السيده عائشه : فكثر اللغط أي الحديث في المسجد اشفاقا علي الرسول فقال النبي : ماهذا؟. فقالوا : يارسول الله ، يخافون عليك . فقال احملوني إليهم. فأراد أن يقوم فما استطاع فصبوا عليه 7 قرب من الماء حتي يفيق . فحمل النبي وصعد إلي المنبر .. آخر خطبه لرسول الله و آخر كلمات له Al sayyida Aisha says: So the people continued to fearfully talk more and more about the Messenger of Allah, so he asked what was wrong. They said ‘Oh Messenger of Allah, they’re worried about you.’ He asked to be carried to the people. He tried to get up but he couldn’t, so they poured 7 buckets of water over him so that he can be alert. So the Prophet (pbuh) was carried to the podium at the mosque and he began to say…the last khotba of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and his last words.
اللحظات الأخيره فقال النبي : أيها الناس ، كأنكم تخافون علي فقالوا : نعم يارسول الله . فقال : أيها الناس ، موعدكم معي ليس الدنيا ، موعدكم معي عند الحوض .والله لكأني أنظر اليه من مقامي هذا . أيها الناس ، والله ما الفقر أخشي عليكم ، ولكني أخشي عليكم الدنيا أن تنافسوها كما تنافسها الذين من قبلكم فتهلككم كما أهلكتهم. The Prophet (pbuh) said: Oh people, it’s as if you’re worried about me. They replied “Yes, Oh Messenger of Allah.” So he said: Oh people, your appointment with me is not here in this world, but at the fountain (at the doors to heaven). I swear by Allah, I see it now from where I stand. Oh people, I swear by Allah I don’t fear that poverty will harm you. But I fear that the bounties of this world might make you compete against each other as it has made others before you compete, and it will tire you as it has tired others before you.
اللحظات الأخيره ثم قال : أيها الناس ، الله الله في الصلاه ، الله الله في الصلاه بمعني أستحلفكم بالله العظيم أن تحافظوا علي الصلاه وظل يرددها Then he said: Oh people, Allah, Allah in prayer! Allah, Allah in prayer. (Meaning I swear by Allah, the Greatest on you to take care of your prayers, and he repeated it several times.)
اللحظات الأخيره ثم قال : أيها الناس إن عبدا خيره الله بين الدنيا وبين ما عند الله ، فاختار ما عند الله فلم يفهم أحد قصده من هذه الجمله ، وكان يقصد نفسه ، سيدنا أبوبكرهو الوحيد الذي فهم هذه الجمله ، فانفجر بالبكاءوعلي نحيبه ووقف وقاطع النبي وقال : فديناك بآبائنا ، فديناك بأمهاتنا ، فديناء بأولادنا فديناك بأزواجنا ، فديناك بأموالنا ، وظل يرددها .. He then pronounced: Oh people, indeed a slave (of God) was given the option from Allah whether to stay here in this world or to go to what is with Allah, so he chose what is with Allah. Nobody understood what he meant by this phrase. He meant himself (given the option to die and meet Allah or to stay alive). Sayyidna Abu Bakr was the only one who understood this phrase so he exploded with tears and he interrupted the Prophet (pbuh) and said: “We would sacrifice our fathers for you! We would sacrifice our mothers for you! We would sacrifice our children for you! We would sacrifice our wives for you! We would sacrifice our wealth and money for you!” and he continued to repeat that..
اللحظات الأخيره فنظر الناس إلي أبوبكر ، كيف يقاطع النبي فأخذ النبي يدافع عن أبوبكر قائلا : أيها الناس ، دعوا أبوبكر ، فما منكم من أحد كان له عندنا من فضل إلا كافأناه به ، إلا أبوبكر لم أستطع مكافأته ، فتركت مكافأته إلي الله عز وجل. كل الأبواب إلي المسجد تسد إلا باب أبوبكرلا يسد أبدا ... So the people looked to Abu Bakr, how could he interrupt the Prophet (pbuh) like that? So the Prophet (pbuh) started defending Abu Bakr and said: Oh people, leave Abu Bakr. For there is none of you who I owe anything that I have not paid back. Except Abu Bakr; I will never be able to repay him for what he’s done for me. So I will leave his reward to Allah the Almighty. Every door to the mosque was closed except the door of Abu Bakr as it will never be closed…
اللحظات الأخيره وأخيرا قبل نزوله من المنبر .. بدأ الرسول بالدعاء للمسلمين قبل الوفاه كآخر دعوات لهم ، فقال : آواكم الله ، حفظكم الله ، نصركم الله ، ثبتكم الله ، أيدكم الله .. وآخر كلمه قالها ، آخر كلمه موجهه للأمه من علي منبره قبل نزوله قال :أيها الناس أقرأوا مني السلام كل من تبعني من أمتي إلي يوم القيامه. Finally, before he stepped down from the podium, the Messenger (pbuh) began du3aa’ (supplicating) for Muslims as his last supplication for them. He said: May Allah make you strong, may Allah protect you, may Allah give you victory, may Allah make you steadfast, may Allah help you… And the last words he said to the people before he stepped down from the podium were: Oh people, pass on my salutations to all who follow me from my people till the day of judgment.
اللحظات الأخيره وحمل مرة أخري إلي بيته . وهو هناك دخل عليه عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر وفي يده سواك ، فظل النبي ينظر الي السواك ولكنه لم يستطيع ان يطلبه من شدة مرضه . ففهمت السيده عائشه من نظرة النبي فأخذت السواك من عبد الرحمن ووضعته في فم النبي ، فلم يستطع أن يستاك به ، فأخذته من النبي وجعلت تلينه بفمها وردته للنبي مره أخري حتي يكون طريا عليه فقالت : كان آخر شئ دخل جوف النبي هو ريقي ، فكان من فضل الله علي أن جمع بين ريقي وريق النبي قبل أن يموت And he was carried once more to his home. When he was there, AbdulRahman bin Abi Bakr entered onto him with a miswaak in his hand. The Prophet (pbuh) kept looking at the miswaak but he couldn’t ask for it due to his weakness. Al sayyida Aisha understood what he wanted so she took the miswaak from AbdulRahman and she put it in the Prophet’s mouth, but he was not able to use it. So she took it from the Prophet (pbuh) and began chewing it with her mouth and then gave it back to him once again so that it was soft for him. She said: The last thing to enter the Prophet’s mouth was my saliva, and this is a blessing from Allah on me that He gathered my saliva with the Prophet’s before he died.
اللحظات الأخيره تقول السيده عائشه : ثم دخلت فاطمه بنت النبي ، فلما دخلت بكت ، لأن النبي لم يستطع القيام ، لأنه كان يقبلها بين عينيها كلما جاءت إليه .. فقال النبي : ادنو مني يا فاطمه ) فحدثها النبي في أذنها ، فبكت أكثر . فلما بكت قال لها النبي ادنو مني يا فاطمه ) فحدثها مره أخري في اذنها ، فضحكت Al sayyida Aisha says: Then Fatima, the Prophet’s daughter entered. She cried when she entered because the Prophet (pbuh) wasn’t able to get up. He used to get up and kiss her on her forehead between her eyes every time he saw her, but this time he wasn’t able to because he was too tired. The Prophet said: Come closer to me Fatima (so the Prophet whispered something to her, so she cried harder. When she cried harder, he asked her to get closer again.) He whispered something to her again and she laughed.
اللحظات الأخيره بعد وفاته سئلت ماذا قال لك النبي ، فقالت : قال لي في المره الأولي يا فاطمه ، إني ميت الليله ، فبكيت ، فلما وجدني أبكي قال :( يا فاطمه ، أنتي أول أهلي لحاقا بي ( فضحكت . After his death, Fatima was asked what the Prophet said to her. She said: the first time, he said to me “Oh Fatima, tonight I will die” so I cried. When he saw me crying, he said “Oh Fatima, you will be the first of my family to follow me” so I smiled and laughed. (Fatima was the first of the Prophet’s family to die after him, it is said, out of grief over him and her sincere love to her father.)
اللحظات الأخيره تقول السيده عائشه : ثم قال النبي :( أخرجوامن عندي في البيت ) وقال : ( ادنو مني يا عائشه فنام النبي علي صدر زوجته ، ويرفع يده للسماء يقول : بل الرفيق الأعلي ، بل الرفيق الأعلي تقول السيده عائشه : فعرفت أنه يخير ... سيدنا جبريل دخل علي النبي وقال : يارسول الله ، ملك الموت بالباب ، يستأذن أن يدخل عليك ، وما استأذن علي أحد من قبلك . فقال النبي : إءذن له يا جبريل فدخل ملك الموت علي النبي وقال : السلام عليك يا رسول الله ، أرسلني الله أخيرك ، بين البقاء في الدنيا وبين أن تلحق بالله . فقال النبي بل الرفيق الأعلي ، بل الرفيق الأعلي Al sayyida Aisha narrates that the Prophet then asked that the people in his house leave. He asked Aisha to come closer to him, then he lay his head on his wife’s chest. He raised his hand to the sky saying “Rather, to the Highest Companion. Rather, to the Highest Companion.” Al sayyida Aisha says “I knew that he was being given options…Angel Gabriel entered on the Prophet (pbuh) and said: “Oh Messenger of Allah, the Angel of Death is at the door, asking to enter. He has never asked to enter on anyone before you.” The Prophet replied “Give him permission to enter Gabriel.” So the Angel of Death came to the Prophet (pbuh) and said: Peace be upon you Oh Messenger of Allah; Allah has sent me to give you the option to either stay in this world or to meet Him. So the Prophet (pbuh) said, “Rather, to the Highest Companion. Rather, to the Highest Companion.” (The phrase “Rather, to the Highest Companion” is a reference to the Prophet’s choice to return to Allah)
اللحظات الأخيره ووقف ملك الموت عند رأس النبي وقال : أيتها الروح الطيبه ، روح محمد بن عبد الله ، أخرجي إلي رضا من الله و رضوان ورب راض غير غضبان. تقول السيده عائشه : فسقطت يد النبي وثقلت رأسه في صدري ، فعرفت أنه قد مات ... فلم أدري ما أفعل ، فما كان مني غير أن خرجت من حجرتي The Angel of Death stood near the Prophet’s head and said: Oh good soul, the soul of Mohamed bin Abdullah, come out with satisfaction from Allah, to a Lord who is pleased with you and not angry. Al sayyida Aisha says: So the hand of the Prophet (pbuh) fell, and his head became heavier on my chest, so I knew that he had died…I didn’t know what to do, so I had nothing to do but to leave the room.
اللحظات الأخيره وفتحت بابي الذي يطل علي الرجال في المسجد وأقول مات رسول الله ، مات رسول الله . تقول فانفجر المسجد بالبكاء . فهذا علي بن أبي طالب أقعد ، وهذا عثمان بن عفان كالصبي يؤخذ بيده يمني ويسري وهذا عمر بن الخطاب يرفع سيفه ويقول من قال أنه قد مات قطعت رأسه ، إنه ذهب للقاء ربه كما ذهب موسى للقاء ربه وسيعود ويقتل من قال أنه قد مات . أما أثبت الناس فكان أبوبكر الصديق رضي الله عنه دخل علي النبي واحتضنه وقال وآآآ خليلاه وآآآ صفياه ، وآآآ حبيباه ، وآآآ نبياه . وقبل النبي وقال : طبت حيا وطبت ميتا يا رسول الله . I opened the door to all the men in the mosque saying “The Messenger of Allah has died, the Messenger of Allah has died!” Aisha says the mosque exploded with crying. There was Ali ibn Abi Talib who fell to the ground; and there was Othman bin ‘Affan who began walking aimlessly like a little boy you could lead to the right or left. There was Omar bin Al Khattab, raising his sword and saying “Whoever says that he died, I’ll cut his head off! He only went to meet his Lord as Moses left to meet his Lord, and he will return and kill all who said that he died!” The one who kept the people steadfast was Abu Bakr al Sideeq (may Allah be pleased with him). He entered on the Prophet and hugged him and said “Oh friend, Oh chosen one, Oh beloved one, Oh Prophet!” Then he kissed the Prophet and said “You are glorified while you’re alive, and in death as well Oh Messenger of Allah.”
اللحظات الأخيره ثم خرج يقول : من كان يعبد محمدا فإن محمدا قد مات ، ومن كان يعبد الله فإن الله حي لا يموت ... ويسقط السيف من يد عمر بن الخطاب ، يقول : فعرفت أنه قد مات ... ويقول : فخرجت أجري أبحث عن مكان أجلس فيه وحدي لأبكي وحدي .... Then Abu Bakr went out saying: “Whoever used to worship Mohamed, then know that Mohamed has died. And whoever worships Allah, then know that Allah is Alive, and never dies…” Omar dropped the sword in his hand and he said “I then knew that he had truly died. I left the mosque running, looking for a place to sit and cry alone.”
الأخيره اللحظات When the companions came to bury the Prophet (pbuh), Al Mogheer Ibn Sho’ba took his ring and threw it down into the grave. Then he called out, “Wait! I have lost my ring!” So he went down into the grave and he hugged the Prophet (pbuh) and cried over him. And he said to him, “I wanted to be the last person to bid you farewell O Prophet of Allah.”
اللحظات الأخيره ودفن النبي والسيده فاطمه تقول : أطابت أنفسكم أن تحثوا التراب علي وجه النبي ... ووقفت تنعي النبي وتقول يا أبتاه ، أجاب ربا دعاه ، يا أبتاه ، جنة الفردوس مأواه ، يا أبتاه ، الي جبريل ننعاه And the Prophet (pbuh) was buried. Al sayyida Fatima was saying to those who buried him “Have your souls really allowed you to throw dirt on the face of the Prophet?” She stood at his grave near his face saying “Oh father, you have answered to your Lord who has called you. Oh Father, the beautiful paradise is where you belong. Oh Father, to Gabriel is his obituary”
اللحظات الأخيره تري ، هل ستترك حياتك كما هي بعد وصايا رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم لك في آخر كلمات له ؟؟ لا أدري ماذا ستفعل كي تصبر علي ابتلاءات الدنيا.. Now, will you leave your life as it is knowing the Prophet has trusted you with this religion in his last words? I don’t know what you will do to have patience with the problems of this world if you don’t follow in his footsteps.
اللحظات الأخيره رجاء من فضلك وليس امرا ان اعجبك محتوى الرسالة اعد ارسلها لغيرك فان الدال على الخير كفاعله Please, if you feel like this benefited you, then spread this message.
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