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Key Drivers of Aging Stem Cell Deactivation AMPK Activity

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2 Key Drivers of Aging Stem Cell Deactivation AMPK Activity
Endothelial Dysfunction Lipfuscin Deposition Telomere Attrition Loss of Protein Synthesis Gene Expression/DNA Repair Immune Senescence Inflammation Mitochondrial Dysfunction Glycation Slide 1

3 Slide 2

4 Dasatinib and other Senolytics
Senolytic: Small molecule that can selectively eliminate senescent cells (cells that can no longer divide) When we’re young, scenscent cells provide cancer prevention; in later life they accelerate aging Slide 3

5 Dasatinib and other Senolytics
One Dasatinib tablet per week for 3 weeks every 5-10 years: Alleviate symptoms of frailty Improved cardiac/arterial function Reduced osteoporosis Increased exercise endurance Eliminate fat cell progenitors Slide 4

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7 Growth Differentiation Factor 11 (GDF11)
Naturally occurring peptide (chain of amino acids) with the capacity to restore aging muscles, hearts, brains in mice Harvard research found significant age reversal effects Slide 6

8 Growth Differentiation Factor 11 (GDF11)
In 2014 one researcher decide to become a guinea pig Now about 20 volunteers are self-experimenting and measuring longevity biomarkers Slide 7

9 Growth Differentiation Factor 11 (GDF11)
The first researcher decided to try GDF11 on himself because: It improved cardiac, neural, muscular systems in mice It is endogenous, therefore inherently safer It’s found in the same molecular form in all vertebrates, which means it showed up early in evolution and is therefore universally important Organs transplanted to younger people, who have more GDF11, thrive Letting aging take it’s course is almost as risky as trying GDF11 Slide 8

10 Growth Differentiation Factor 11 (GDF11)
How GDF11 works: Stem cells incur DNA damage during replication This damage eventually causes stems cells to become senescent GDF11 repairs DNA damage and resores function to stem cells It is also thought to activate progenitor cells (cells that can differentiate into certain kinds of cells) Slide 9

11 Growth Differentiation Factor 11 (GDF11)
Anecdotal feedback from volunteers: Increased stamina Noticeably improved skin elasticity Greater mental clarity, improved reaction time, more eloquent Gray hair reversal Improved sexual performance Slide 10

12 Growth Differentiation Factor 11 (GDF11)
Anecdotal feedback from volunteers: Better sleep, vivid dreams, circadian rhythms enforced Greatly increased appetite Improved sense of smell Arterial stiffness was reduced over 4-14 months by 37% These results were backed by measurable improvements in biomarkers (ie, levels of various hormones, neurochemicals, etc) Slide 11

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14 Age Reversal By Young Plasma Transfer
Bone marrow of healthy 21-year-olds contains an abundance of functional stem cells, immune cells, and paracrine factors (similar to a hormone but affecting cells over a much shorter distance), and lots of GDF11 These factors can be harvested in blood plasma and administered to older people When “young blood” containing these factors is circulated into older animals, they become biologically younger and old tissues are rejuvenated. Slide 13

15 Age Reversal By Young Plasma Transfer
“In the heart, brain, muscle and almost every other tissue examined, the blood of young mice seems to bring new life to aging organs, making old mice stronger, smarter, and healthier.” Mice lived the equivalent of human years longer after having transfusions of such blood (University of California, Univ. of Cambridge, Harvard, Brigham and Woman’s Hospital in Boston) Scientists have also rejuvenated old mice with the blood of human teenagers, creating improved cognition, decreased inflammation, formation of new brain cells, behavior changes in which old animals acted young. Slide 14

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20 Age Reversal By Young Plasma Transfer
Johnson & Johnson signed a $50M deal with Stanford to identify blood factors responsible for this age reversal One of these substances is called fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) A fibroblast is a cell that synthesizes the structural and biochemical support for the cell, including collagen, and plays a critical role in wound healing Scientists extended the lifespan of mice by 40% through this method Slide 19

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24 Thymic Regeneration Master gland of the immune system
Immune senescence can be initiated by the atrophy of the thymus gland Makes T cells and nurtures them with thymic hormones Converts bone marrow immune cells to T cells (essential for proper immune function) T cells kill infections and cancer, regulate B cells (which make antibodies) Problem: The thymus stops working with age, beginning near the time of puberty

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27 Thymic Regeneration Immune senescence is strongly correlated with risk of near term death This plays a key role in degenerative aging – and can be reversed! A sharp decline in T cells and an overexpansion of defective CD8 cells reduces the ability to ward of infections and malignancies The accumulation of memory cells (create antibodies and T cells) results in many becoming senescent, increasing inflammatory diseases common to aging Inflammation affects all body tissues, negatively affects cognition, cardiovascular health, immune function Reducing immune senescence is critical to healthy longevity

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29 Thymic Regeneration Immune senescence can be reversed in animals, young HIV patients, but only once with a normal aging human Now work at Stanford has rejuvenated the thymus and improved blood markers indicative of healthier immune function This work may also apply to organ regeneration also The accumulation of memory cells results in many becoming senescent, increasing inflammatory diseases common to aging May lead to the eventual elimination of Type I diabetes, autoimmune disease, and transplant rejection

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32 Questions? Thoughts? Comments
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