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Overview High-Powered Amplifier Exciter Receiver Oscillators

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Presentation on theme: "Overview High-Powered Amplifier Exciter Receiver Oscillators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview High-Powered Amplifier Exciter Receiver Oscillators

2 HPA: Extended Interaction Klystron
EIK-based amplifier appears to be the best suited Conduction cooled unit was developed for CloudSat Mounted in a pressure vessel in the pod with modulator and RF front-end electronics EIK Specifications Center Frequency 94 GHz Bandwidth (1 dB) > 200 MHz Peak Power 1.7 kW Gain 50 dB CloudSat Flight Model EIK

3 HPA: Extended Interaction Klystron

4 HPA: Extended Interaction Klystron

5 HPA: Modulator Requirements Options Looking for advice and comments
5 % duty cycle Up to 20 kHz pulse repetition rate Pulse lengths from 200 ns to 2 µs Aircraft ready (vibration, attitude changes) Options Communications & Power Industries (CPI) Expensive modulator Reports of bad experiences Pulse Systems Cheap Largely untested Applied Systems Engineering (ASE) Very expensive Good engineering support Looking for advice and comments

6 HPA: Waveguide Peak Power Considerations Average Power Considerations
WR-10 can handle around 8 % (1.34 kW at 94 GHz) of the waveguide theoretical peak power (Ciavolella, 1972) Pressurize the front-end electronics waveguide with nitrogen Average Power Considerations Maximum rated average power of WR-10 is 18 W at 94 GHz At 1 µs pulse length and a 10 kHz PRF, the average power out of the EIK is 17 W assuming no standing waves in the waveguide May need to use heat-sinks and forced-air cooling to remove heat from the waveguide walls

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