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Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

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1 Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
From: After the Implant:  What cochlear implants do for children’s language performance is revolutionary. But the device can’t do all the work. It takes concentrated, sustained post-implant intervention to truly realize the miracle. The ASHA Leader. 2015;20(3): doi: /leader.FTR Legend: In statistical terms, we use effect size to compare performance across groups, and effect size is related to standard deviation. When outcome data from a group generate a normal curve, 34 percent of the data points are between the mean (which is at the 50th percentile) and plus or minus one standard deviation. Consequently, a child who gets a score of one standard deviation below the mean of the group is performing at the 16th percentile. In sample statistics, the difference between means of two groups is described in terms of standard deviations. An effect size of one indicates that the mean for one group is at the 16th percentile of performance for the other group. Date of download: 11/7/2017 Copyright © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

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