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Ancient Greeks and the Arts

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1 Ancient Greeks and the Arts
By Sheena Byerley

2 Greek Plays

3 Greek Plays Most Greek cities had a theater. These were shaped like a bowl and could hold up to 15,000 people. Only boys could be in plays and they would dress like girls if they had to. Comedies are funny plays and tragedies are sad plays.

4 Greek Plays The Greeks wore masks and wigs as costumes. Some masks had two sides to show different emotions. The Greeks gave out awards for the best plays and best actors.

5 United States Plays Most cities in the United States have theaters for plays. Today, boys and girls can be in plays. They still wear lots of costumes. We also have bowl shaped arenas, but they are usually used for sports, not plays.

6 US Plays Some plays have actors who wear masks but some do not.
We also give out awards for the best plays called the Tonys. There are awards for movies called the Oscars. Men and women can both win these awards.

7 Greek Pottery

8 Greek Pottery The Greeks made all their pottery from clay.
They used the pottery for eating, drinking, carrying things and decorations. The pots were baked in a kiln, which is a really hot oven.

9 Pottery Today People still make pottery today out of clay.
Pottery today can also be used for eating, drinking and decoration. Pottery is still baked in a kiln so it gets hard.

10 What We Learned We learned that there are many things from our plays and pottery that we get from Ancient Greece. It was interesting to see how much is the same from thousands of years ago.

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