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Optical Amplifier.

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Presentation on theme: "Optical Amplifier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optical Amplifier

2 Generic optical amplifier

3 Optical Amplifiers Important Parameters: Gain Saturation Output Power
Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier Semiconductor Optical Amplifier 980 nm Pump Signal Amplified Signal ~10 m Erbium Doped Fiber Important Parameters: Gain Saturation Output Power Noise Figure

4 Optical Amplifier Applications
* B. Verbeek, JDSU

5 Applications of optical amplifiers

6 Gain bandwidth of optical amplifiers

7 Amplifier Comparison

8 Gain Saturation Output saturation power is defined as the output power when gain drops by 3db Power amplifiers usually operate at saturation. Saturation gain is lower than the unsaturated one.

9 Amplifier gain versus power

10 Gain versus Amplifier length

11 Gain versus pump level


13 Noise Sources


15 Noise Figure Noise Figure definition is similar as for electrical amplifiers. Essentially a degradation of signal. However, we do not use the optical SNR, but rather the SNR that would be measured with an “ideal” square-law detector at the input and output of the amplifier. Where E=Electric Field, I=Detector Current, A=Signal amplitude, x,y=Amplifier Spontaneous Emission

16 Noise Figure NF definition assumes shot-noise limited source. Laser noise is ignored. Detector thermal noise is ignored/negligible. Noise Figure 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 Gain (dB) 3 dB NF limit, for complete inversion, high gain


18 EDFA EDFA has revolutionized optical communications
All optical and fiber compatible Wide bandwidth, 20~70 nm High gain, 20~40 dB High output power, >200mW Bit rate, modulation format, power and wavelength insensitive Low distortion and low noise (NF<5dB)


20 Pump Source 980 nm 1480 nm low ASE, low noise amplifier
higher power pump laser high output power not as efficient degree of population inversion is lower

21 Gain Spectrum Amorphous nature of silica and the codopants inside the fiber affects the spectrum considerably.

22 Gain Spectrum Population at different levels are different resulting gain dependence on wavelength Different pumping level has different spectrum

23 EDFA configurations

24 EDFA Gain Transient Channel turn-on, re-routing, network reconfiguration, link failure….

25 Gain Transient Power may become too high (nonlinearity) or too low (degrade SNR) when add/drop channels transient happens in us to ms transient penalty depends on data rate, number of EDFAs and number of channels. power increase degrades performance due to SPM

26 EDFA Transient Dynamics


28 Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

29 Operating Principle: device physics same as EEL.
difference is that R< 10-5: AR, angled stripe, window region SOA can be operated in saturation, or unsaturated. gain clamping single pass chip gain: G=exp (g_modal * L) packaging: TEC, high coupling efficiency, isolators

30 Gain vs. Wavelength Single SOA
40-80 nm, InGaAs/InGaAsP. Spanning from nm

31 Gain vs. Output Power An SOA has a Saturation Output Power

32 Output Power SOAs are linear for small input powers.

33 Gain Dynamics

34 Saturation Output Power
Saturation Output Power decreases for higher energy photons.

35 Noise Figure

36 Noise Figure SOAs are noisier than EDFAs because the coupling efficiency is lower. Otherwise, they have the same theoretical limitations. Thus, integrated SOAs should be less noisy.

37 Cross Gain Modulation Saturating the SOA with a signal affects the overall gain spectrum. Thus, all wavelengths will be slightly modulated.

38 Cross Gain Modulation: solutions
low input power (linear regime). SOA not in saturation. 8x20 Gbs 160 km. Spiekman et al, 1999 reservoir channel, SOAs in saturation. 32x2.5 gbs km. Sun et al 1999 Gain-Clamped SOA Solution: Fixed Gain SOA want fixed gain to eliminate XGM Note: a laser has fixed gain above threshold (gain clamping)

39 Gain Clamped SOA gain medium is shared between SOA and a laser. lasing at a different wavelength.

40 In-Line Optical Amplifier
Distance Noise Figure can limit performance of links * B. Verbeek, JDSU






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