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Technology is the study of the production of man-made objects

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1 Technology is the study of the production of man-made objects
What is TECHNOLOGY? Technology is the study of the production of man-made objects Must be for a recognized purpose that will solve human needs. Can be products, systems or environments. Must use acceptable scientific principles, materials technology and human resources.

2 What is the main difference between Science and Technology?
Science is concerned with the exploring and understanding of "What is". Science is not such a creative subject at this level, you just study what already exists. Technology differs from other Subjects as it is concerned with "What might be". It is a truly creative subject.

3 The production of these objects is carried out through the creative disciplined strategy called the Technological Design Process For example: To create a garden for a disabled person is Technology but to create it for yourself is Art/Science. The distinction appears to be contrived, but Technology, through the Technological Design Process, is about solving new problems for other people.

4 Society's needs are continually changing!

5 The Purpose of Studying Construction and Mechanical Technology
To acquire understanding and expertise through the process of design and making. The awareness of man's technological development and its impact on the environment and society. The opportunity to use a wide range of materials and equipment. To help develop a logical thought process and develop senses. To development the ability to retrieve information and make critical and valuable judgements.

6 The Technological Design Process is 95% hard work and 5% Inspiration
The Marketing Department would produce a specification for a product from their research. The Industrial Designer would then produce initial ideas that would be developed into a working prototype with the help of the manufacturing experts. The Marketing Department would then test the prototype, suggested modifications and then accept the product for manufacturing and sales.

7 Can you think of a more creative and worthwhile subject?
Technology in Design is a problem solving activity that requires the precise definition of the problem at the start. Technology in Design is concerned with decisions of taste, choice and sensitivity and relies on your value judgements Designs can be idea-led, technology-led, market-led, demand-led or design-led Can you think of a more creative and worthwhile subject?

8 The Technological Design Process
Identify a Need or Purpose in a given situation. Produce a short Brief. List all major areas of work and allocate times and deadlines. Look at the Brief and produce a list of research questions. Identify and collate information only relevant to the Analysis of Brief. Produce a list of design requirements found from research relevant to the Brief. Generate a range of different possible solutions satisfying the Specification. Produce a solution to the Brief using the Specification and your Generated Ideas. Generate details necessary to make the solution. Produce the solution. Test your solution against the Brief and Specification. List modifications to improve the solution's effectiveness. Evaluate the project against the Brief and Specification, giving recommendations.

9 Identifying a NEED come first!!
It is the role of the Technologist to find out what people want and produce solutions to their problems. So……. If people complain that the product they have just purchased does not do what they wanted it to do. The need of the consumer has NOT been met by the final outcome. NEED = What the consumer wants

10 Specification Purpose of the product. Main features. 1. Function.
2. Appearance. Overall dimensions. Range of suitable colours. Range of suitable surface finishes. 3. Key Factors. Parameters for using the product. Consumer Benefits. 4. Manufacturing. Range of materials required and available. Range of processes required and available. Techniques for manufacturing in quantity. 5. Safety. Safety requirements. 6. Time Limits. List Target Dates.

11 There is no point in designing solutions if:
KEEP IT SIMPLE – K.I.S. Sometimes it is a good idea to work out parts of the design separately if it is a particularly difficult problem. This may require you to make rough non-working models or experiment with materials, joints, etc. Record all this type of work, using pictures if necessary. There is no point in designing solutions if: you do not have the time to make it, it's too expensive or you do not have the skills.

12 Three Technology Strands in the Curriculum
Technological Knowledge Technological Practice The Nature of Technology Is this the subject for you? If you want to know more, see Mrs McLean in the CMT Workshop, Room 21 HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!

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