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Introduction to Robotics

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1 Introduction to Robotics

2 -- Webster’s Dictionary
What is a Robot? “An automatic device that performs functions normally ascribed to humans or a machine in the form of a human.” -- Webster’s Dictionary

3 -- Robot Institute of America (1979)
What is a Robot? “A reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.” -- Robot Institute of America (1979)

4 Origin’s of “Robot” Karel Capec’s play Rossum’s Universal Robots (1921) His “machines” turned against their creators, as in so many stories Comes from robota, which means “forced labor”

5 Isaac Asimov “Robotics” first used in Runaround, short story published in 1942. I, Robot published in 1950 Contained a number of short stories written in the 40’s All of Asimov’s robot stories found in The Complete Robot

6 Essential Characteristics
Sensing Ability Robot is able to sense its surroundings. Movement Robot is able to move around its environment. Energy Robots is able to power itself Intelligence A robot needs some kind of “smarts.”

7 Technical Areas of Robotics
Robotics is an interdisciplinary field It encompasses many different ideas and topics of study

8 Robotics: An Interdisciplinary Field

9 First Robot: Unimate Joseph Engelberger started a manufacturing company called “Unimation” in 1956 First Unimate installed in General Motor factory to work with heated die-casting machines.

10 Uses of Robots In Society
Industrial Uses Commercial Uses Residential Uses Recreational

11 Honda’s ASIMO Debuted in 2000 as first humanoid robot

12 Classifying Robots The following definitions make it possible to classify most types of robots: A machine that can sense its environment, process information from its sensors and other internal information, decide what to do next and execute that decision will be called a robot. A robot that can move using wheels, legs, or other means with onboard power supply can be called a mobile robot.

13 Classifying Robots cont…
A robot that can operate without the assistance of a human is said to be autonomous. Consequently, autonomy literally means ‘self law’ and so the degree of autonomy refers to the extent to which the robot’s behavior is subject to its own law or its own “free will”. A robot that can perform its functions in the presence of uncertainty is intelligent.

14 References
Wise, Edwin. Applied Robotics, 1999

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