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2016 Industry-Led WCD Drill

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1 2016 Industry-Led WCD Drill
November 16-17, 2016 1

2 Planning Planning team met for first time on January 20th, 2016
Included representatives from USCG, TGLO, CCFD, Nueces County, Port of Corpus Christi Nancy Cisneros set the agenda per PREP guidelines 6 major planning meetings prior to drill CITGO ICS structure also revamped during this time

3 Location Tank 5001 – Crude tank at CITGO 91 Area, Up River Road
Tule Lake CITGO Dock 3 Texas State Aquarium Fresh Water Intake




7 Schedule

8 Response Field Deployment Exercise
Field command was established at CITGO Dock 3 for deployment exercise Oil Spill Association and MSRC responded to initial spill report The aquarium intake and CITGO Dock 3 were boomed Approximately 1500’ of boom deployed MSRC Marko Skimmer launched from T-head boat ramp CCFD launched drone from CITGO Dock 3 Able to observe skimming/booming operations Performed survey of Tule Lake Deployment exercise concluded when all boom was deployed, skimmer placed in operation, and drone landed


10 Response Command Post Exercise Command Post stood up at noon on Day 1
CP got off to a slow start on first day: Drill design error with initial briefing caused confusion New players learning how to work together JIC members were fulfilling their normal PIO roles, not JIC roles Day 2 started better, information flowed more smoothly Overnight help from the design team IMT found the groove Drill concluded with completed IAP and Operations Briefing, followed by hotwash


12 Opportunities TRAINING!
Increased tempo for tabletop and small deployment exercises Advanced training for Command and General Staff Section-specific training Improve Situation Unit Display Reconcile Liaison/JIC/PIO Duties (Company vs NIMS) Clarify guidance on who can make public health statements (Company) Ensure everyone follows the process for requesting and ordering resources

13 What Went Well? Company and Agency coordination and cooperation was efficient and effective during planning and exercise Equipment deployment went well. Key locations were boomed quickly Use of RTFC Command Truck worked well as field CP Although slow to start, JIC came together and became an effective team, culminating in a successful press conference Drone deployment provided great overview of activities and showed great potential for tracking oil in Tule Lake Many in the drill were new to spill response. More experienced participants assisted them and they gained valuable knowledge Good progress on protection and remediation of Tule Lake. This will provide a good basis for a working team to develop a full plan.

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