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Bell Ringer What are at least two functions of blood (i.e. what does it do for your body)? What is blood made of? Be specific, don’t just say “cells”

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer What are at least two functions of blood (i.e. what does it do for your body)? What is blood made of? Be specific, don’t just say “cells”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer What are at least two functions of blood (i.e. what does it do for your body)? What is blood made of? Be specific, don’t just say “cells” How was your Spring Break? Did you do anything fun/interesting?

2 Chapter 10 Blood A&P Spring 2017

3 I Introduction A Blood has many vital functions 1. Transport: a. Nutrients b. Oxygen c. Waste d. Hormones 2. Distributes heat 3. Maintains fluid stability

4 II Blood and Blood cells
A. Blood volume and composition 1. Average adult has 5 liters of blood

5 2. Composed of blood cells and plasma
a. 45% blood cells i. red blood cells ii. white blood cells iii. platelets b. 55% plamsa i. liquid part of blood

6 B. Red Blood Cells 1. A.K.A. Erythrocytes a. Bioconcave discs

7 c. Mature cells get rid of nucleus
b. Hemoglobin i. Protein within the cell that carries oxygen ii. causes the red color c. Mature cells get rid of nucleus i. makes more room for hemoglobin ii. mature cells cannot make proteins or divide

8 2. Cell production and control a. cells produced in red bone marrow b
2. Cell production and control a. cells produced in red bone marrow b. erythropoietin is a hormone that stimulates production

9 3. Destruction of red blood cells a
3. Destruction of red blood cells a. Macrophages destroy old and damaged red blood cells b. Hemoglobin is broken down and recycled

10 C. White Blood Cells 1. A. K. A. Leukocytes a
C. White Blood Cells 1. A.K.A. Leukocytes a. protect against disease 2. Cell production and control a. production caused by two hormones i. Interleukins ii. Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs)

11 3. 5 types of white blood cells a. neutrophils i
3. 5 types of white blood cells a. neutrophils i. Ingest and break down small bacterial cells b. eosinophils i. Help control inflammation and allergic reactions

12 c. Basophils i. Help control blood flow and clotting d. Monocytes i. Ingest and break down larger objects e. Lymphocytes i. Produce antibodies and help with “immunity”


14 D. Blood Platelets 1. A.K.A. Thrombocytes a. are not complete cells

15 2. Cell production and control
a. Platelets are broken pieces of larger cells called Megakaryocytes b. production of Megakaryocytes cause by the hormone thromopoietin

16 3. Function of platelets a. help close breaks in damaged blood vessels b. Initiate formation of blood clots

17 Let’s Review! What is a thrombocyte?
What percentage of blood is formed elements? What are at least 2 substances found in plasma? Where is the hemoglobin protein complex found and what does it carry? Critical Thinking: Leukemia is cancer of the blood, what specific blood cells does it affect?

18 III Blood Plasma A. Plasma Proteins 1. Albumins a. help control the movement of water between the blood and tissues i. in turn controls blood volume and pressure

19 2. Globulins a. subdivided into 3 categories i. alpha ii. Beta iii
2. Globulins a. subdivided into 3 categories i. alpha ii. Beta iii. Gamma b. have a variety of functions i. Alpha and beta- transport lipids ii. Gamma- a type of antibody

20 3. Fibrinogen a. functions in blood coagulation

21 B. Gases and Nutrients 1. Gases a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide 2
B. Gases and Nutrients 1. Gases a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide 2. Nutrients a. amino acids b. simple sugars c. nucleotides

22 d. lipids i. must combine with a protein for transport ii. Called a lipoprotein complex iii. EX. HDL and LDL

23 C. Plasma Electrolytes 1. Variety of electrolytes a. sodium b
C. Plasma Electrolytes 1. Variety of electrolytes a. sodium b. potassium c. calcium d. bicarbonate

24 IV. Hemostasis A. Blood Vessel Spasm 1. Vasospasm a. occurs when a smaller blood vessel is broken b. break causes vessel walls to contract c. helps lessen blood loss

25 B. Platelet Plug Formation
1. Platelets adhere to broken edges of blood vessels 2. Platelets also adhere to each other a. form a “plug” at a break site b. however, only works for small breaks

26 C. Blood Coagulation 1. formation of a blood clot a. complex process b
C. Blood Coagulation 1. formation of a blood clot a. complex process b. requires many “clotting factors”

27 2. Major steps to coagulation a
2. Major steps to coagulation a. fibrinogen is turned into to fibrin threads b. fibrin threads form a meshwork that covers damaged area i. catch red blood cells ii. Keep cells from leaving vessel

28 V. Blood Groups A. Antigens and Antibodies 1. Antigen a. Molecule located on the surface of a red blood cell b. two groups of antigens determine blood types i. ABO group antigens ii. Rh group antigens

29 2. Antibody a. protein carried in plasma b. recognize and react with antigens

30 B. ABO Blood Group 1. based on two major antigens a. antigen A b
B. ABO Blood Group 1. based on two major antigens a. antigen A b. antigen B

31 2. Cells can have one of four antigen combinations a. only A b. only B
i. Type A blood b. only B i. Type B blood c. both A and B i. Type AB blood d. neither A nor B i. Type O blood

32 3. Body synthesizes antibodies for specific blood types a
3. Body synthesizes antibodies for specific blood types a. Type A - Anti-B Antibodies b. Type B - Anti-A Antibodies c. Type AB - neither d. Type O - both

33 C. Rh Blood Group 1. Several Rh antigens a
C. Rh Blood Group 1. Several Rh antigens a. if any Rh antigens are present, person is Rh-positive b. if no Rh antigens are present, person is Rh-negative

34 2. Anti-Rh Antibodies a. Are not always present in an Rh-negative person b. Only form in response to special stimulation

35 3. Formation of Anti-Rh Antibodies a
3. Formation of Anti-Rh Antibodies a. Rh-negative female pregnant with Rh-positive child i. First time is no problem, antibodies aren’t present yet ii. Second time, antibodies attack fetal blood cells


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