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Ministry is about God and has to be done His way

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1 Ministry is about God and has to be done His way
Doing Church God’s Way I Corinthians 14:1-40 Ministry is about God and has to be done His way in order to please Him Principle #1: Ministry must be _________ to benefit the church I Cor. 14:1-25  Prophecy edifies the ______ congregation— Tongues edifies the _______ 14:1-5 Prophecy is readily ____________— Tongues are unintelligible 14:6-12 Prophecy speaks to the intellect— Tongues stirs up an ________ response 14:13-19 Prophecy designed primarily for use with _________— Tongues primarily for _______ 14:20-25 Principle #2: Proper _______ is essential for effective ministry I Cor. 14:26-40 Regulation of Tongues 14:26-28 All must be done for the _________________of the church 14:26 Nor more than ____ at the most-- ___in the service 14:27a One at a time—in order to avoid ___________ 14:27b Tongues must be ____________ Regulation of Prophecy 14:29-33 No more than 2 or 3 14:29 Others to ____________ their words—for correct doctrine 14:29b Only ________ at a time 14:30-31 Doing Church God’s Way I Corinthians 14:1-40 Ministry is about God and has to be done His way in order to please Him Principle #1: Ministry must be _________ to benefit the church I Cor. 14:1-25  Prophecy edifies the ______ congregation— Tongues edifies the _______ 14:1-5 Prophecy is readily ____________— Tongues are unintelligible 14:6-12 Prophecy speaks to the intellect— Tongues stirs up an ________ response 14:13-19 Prophecy designed primarily for use with _________— Tongues primarily for _______ 14:20-25 Principle #2: Proper _______ is essential for effective ministry I Cor. 14:26-40 Regulation of Tongues 14:26-28 All must be done for the _________________of the church 14:26 Nor more than ____ at the most-- ___in the service 14:27a One at a time—in order to avoid ___________ 14:27b Tongues must be ____________ Regulation of Prophecy 14:29-33 No more than 2 or 3 14:29 Others to ____________ their words—for correct doctrine 14:29b Only ________ at a time 14:30-31

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