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Snapchat Takeovers Create a lasting impression with authentic content from student ambassadors.

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Presentation on theme: "Snapchat Takeovers Create a lasting impression with authentic content from student ambassadors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snapchat Takeovers Create a lasting impression with authentic content from student ambassadors

2 Snapchat Takeover Strategy
Step 1: Find the right student Campus ambassadors Student Government members Honor society students Program rock stars Step 2: Meet with your Snapchatter Review guidelines and policies Create a content timeline Offer advice, but let your Snapchatter to take the reins

3 Snapchat Takeover Strategy
Step 3: Promote the takeover Start promotion a few days before the takeover Utilize all social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Ask your Snapchatter to promote the takeover on their own social channels Step 4: Document it Download the story Screenshot snaps Record metrics (view count, screenshot totals, new followers)

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