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Probing Magnetized Turbulence in the Fermi Bubbles

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1 Probing Magnetized Turbulence in the Fermi Bubbles
Kelsey Lund Advisor: Dr. Christopher Hales 10 September, 2016

2 Meet the Fermi Bubbles:
Discovered by Large Area Telescope (LAT) on Fermi Satellite in 2010 Su, M., Slatyer, T.R., & Finkbeiner, D.P. 2010, ApJ Initial map made from 1.6 year dataset Finkbeiner et al, 2010

3 ~40° ~50° Fermi Bubbles Milky Way Disk Sun

4 Across the spectrum: ROSAT 1.5 keV WMAP K-Band
S-PASS 2.3 GHz Polarized Intensity WMAP 23 GHz Polarized Intensity Snowden et al.1995, ApJ Dobler 2012, ApJ Carretti et al, 2013, Nature

5 Origin? Active galactic nucleus activity Star formation activity
Evidence of hard spectrum gamma-ray jet-like structure Short but bright quasar phase ~6 Myr ago Known nuclear star forming region Narrow “waist” (~100 pc) near GC Bipolar radio bubbles, x-ray cavities in extragalactic sources associated with AGN activity. Magnetic energy of 4-9 x 1052 erg, outflow speeds of ~1000 km s-1 Injection rate ~ erg s-1 - Cosmic ray population necessary to produce gamma-ray signal? Bland-Hawthorn et al, 2013, ApJ Su et al, 2012, ApJ Zubovas et al, 2011,MNRASL Carretti et al, 2013, Nature Crocker et al, 2011, PRL Lacki, 2014, MNRASL Image: Durham University, 2014

6 From There to Here with Faraday Rotation…
Fermi Bubble RM

7 From There to Here with Faraday Rotation…
Intrinsic RM IGM RM Local/ISM RM Cluster Medium RM Ionospheric RM Fermi Bubble RM


9 Target Selection Taken from NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) catalogue
Better noise constraints: 0.45 mJy beam-1  0.25 mJy beam-1 Wider bandwidth  More accurate rotation measures - Target faint polarized sources without RM Condon et al1998, AJ Taylor et al, 2009, ApJ

10 Where to look? ANTARES Collaboration, 2013, European Physical Journal

11 The Observation: VLA observation on 6 May, 2016:
511 extragalactic sources, individual pointings 20° x 7° strip along eastern edge of Northern bubble 4 hours CnB configuration [~15” beam size] 1-2 GHz (L-Band) 8 spectral windows, 64 channels each 2 MHz channel width

12 Data Reduction Manually reduced data from scratch
Included ionospheric calibration on CASA stable build Imaging and analysis in CASA 4.6.0 Batch processing on cluster Rotation measure synthesis (Brentjens & de Bruyn, 2005) Compilation of results into catalogue

13 Results Using NVSS Data
Galactic Longitude (deg) Galactic Longitude (deg)

14 Preliminary Results: Current Status

15 Science with the Fermi Bubbles
Energetics Shock strengths, constraints on Mach number and Alfvén velocity Strong shock indicative of AGN? Contributions to models of galaxy evolution magnetic pressure >> dominates the thermal gas pressure

16 Future work Identify analysis issue and obtain catalog
Use catalog to map out variance as a function of spatial position Rerun analysis without TEC correction, verify CASA performance Perform simulation of ne and magnetic power spectra Contribute useful data to literature NOAO, 2004 ESO, 2009

17 NAC Experience

18 Appendix A: Radio Emission of the Fermi Bubbles
Carretti et al, 2013, Nature

19 Appendix B: Gamma-Ray Jets in the Milky Way
Su , M., Finkbeiner, D.P. 2012, ApJ, 753:61

20 Appendix C: The Faraday Sky
Bottom one is reconstructed galactic sky, while upper one is entire NVSS from Taylor. Taylor et al, 2009, ApJ Oppermann, N. et al, 2011, A&A

21 Appendix D: Rotation Measure Synthesis

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