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Meet the Teacher Evening

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1 Meet the Teacher Evening
Thursday 1st September 2016

2 Staff working with P3/4 this session
Class Teacher – Mrs Tonya Thomson Gym Teacher (Thursday)- Miss Liz Menzies Technology/World of Work – Mrs Amy Kay Support for Learning – Miss Joanne Doddie PSA – Mrs Lorraine Kelly

3 A Typical Day in P3/4 will include…….
Guided Reading Numeracy or Maths Language – Spelling, Handwriting or Extended Writing Interdisciplinary Learning Expressive Arts (Music, Art, Drama, Dance) RME or Science or Health and Well-Being Daily Mile Run

4 Expectations and Standards
Class Rules Learning to Learn Tools Feedback and Next Steps

5 Interdisciplinary Topics
Joint working Term 1- 50th Anniversary - Roald Dahl Term 2- Modern Languages including International Day - Science - Water - Christmas and Creativity Term 3-Scottish Week -Castles -Fairtrade - Pirates Term 4-World of Work/STEM - Life in the Woods -Health, Rights Respecting Schools and PSE.

6 Class Organisation Mixed Ability Groupings at Home Seats
Reading, Spelling and Maths Groups Mild, Spicy and Hot Tasks Individual Trays Gym Kit Boxes Visual Timetable Golden Time Chart

7 Gym Kits Monday- class teacher Outdoors kit required
Trainers, Joggers or Leggings, Sweatshirt Thursday-specialist Indoor kit required Gym shoes, shorts and t-shirt

8 Lines of Communication
Class Newsletter Reading Record/Diary Homework Letter End of Day Parents Evening Send a Note

9 Homework Each week, excluding first and last weeks of each term.
Given out on a Friday to be returned by following Wednesday Consolidation and Reinforcement Traditional v Homework Wall

10 Golden Time Friday 11.30-12 Can be lost! Pupils may bring in toys
Baking and Making House Golden Time

11 Questions??

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