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Assemblies will take place in the Assembly Hall as follows.

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1 Assemblies will take place in the Assembly Hall as follows.
Thursday 2nd November 2017 Assemblies Assemblies will take place in the Assembly Hall as follows. TODAY (Thursday) S4 YFC Touring Team Friday 3rd November S5/S6 YFC Touring Team S3-6 Expiry date: 03/11/17

2 Attention all S4 pupils S4
A small number of S4 pupils have been drawn to my attention for regularly disrupting the work of classes through inattentive behaviour and refusal to follow teachers’ instructions.  Letters are being sent home to the parents and carers of those involved detailing the seriousness of this and outlining sanctions which will be applied if the situation persists. Miss Sinclair Year Head S4 Expiry date: 06/11/17

S1-S3 Badminton (PE department) pm S1-S6 Lego & Comic Club (Rm123) pm S1-S6 Chess Club (Rm258) pm S1-S6 Scripture Union (Rm154) pm S1-S3 Athletics S1-S3 Hockey – pm Gymnastics U12 Highland Bears (Games hall) 5-6pm S1-S3 Shinty (front pitch) pm Rock Challenge pm TUES S1 Boys Football (PE Dept.) pm Dodgeball (PE Dept.) pm S1-S6 Spanish Club (Rm331) pm Stem Club (Rm 136) pm Performers UK (Gym Hall) pm Crown Primary Football 5-6pm Orchestra pm Cello Army pm Senior Girls Spinning Staff Fitness (Dance Studio) pm Netball (Games Hall) pm WED Archaeology Club (Rm 254) pm Book Group (Library) pm S1-S4 Girls Football (PE Dept.) pm Dodgeball (PE Dept.) pm S1-S6 Rubik’s Cube Club (Rm 206) pm S3-S6 Biology Supported Study – Biology Department pm S4, S5 & S6 Physics Study & Support (Rm217) pm (Oct-Apr) S4-6 Basketball Highland Elite Sports Academy (Gym hall) 4-6pm Dance Leaders Group (Dance Studio) pm S4-S6 Art Department Supported Study (Art Dept) pm Girls Football THUR History Club (Rm253) pm Chaplain Drop In (Hot Chocolate Club (Rm156) pm S1-S2 Film Club (Rm 204) pm S1–S3 Table Tennis (Dance Studio) pm Gaelic Singing (Rm 332) pm S2 Football (PE Dept.) pm U15 Basketball CrossFit Kids (Gym hall) 4-6pm Senior Girls Hockey Drama Club (Small Gym Hall) pm S1-S6 Gymnastics Club (Gym Hall) pm FRI Raigmore United Football Training pm S1 Basketball (Games hall) pm

4 PE- Appropriate Clothing
A reminder to all pupils that appropriate kit should look like the following: Change of Trainers/Boots Change of Bottoms - Shorts /Tracksuit trousers/leggings Change of Top- T-shirt/Jumper/Jacket Long Hair needs to be tied back for ALL lessons. NO crop tops are allowed. PE Dept All year groups Expiry date: 01/12/17

5 Do you too, want to change the School?
Pupil Council Do you too, want to change the School? Do you have any issues concerning the School? If you are interested, an application has been given to your Registration Teacher. All year groups Expiry date: 03/11/17

6 MAFIA Burns Supper Volunteers to take part in the school’s Burns Supper are still needed. S6 pupils – MC; Address to the Haggis; Immortal Memory; Toasts to the Lassies and Laddies. All pupils – Pipers; Singers; Highland Dancers; Instrumentalists; Recitation of Burns’ poems in other languages. Please give your name to Mrs Gillies, as soon as possible. All year groups Expiry date: 03/11/17

7 Innes & Mackay Writing Competition
Submit a short story of around five hundred words which must conclude with the sentence “35 years later John walked out of the door smiling to himself.” 1st place prize - £100 for the student and £500 to the winning school  2nd place prize - student will receive a voucher for £75 3rd place prize - student will receive a voucher for £50 Closing date: Friday 1st December. Winner announced on Friday 15th December. Any enquiries please All year groups Expiry date: 03/11/17

8 Gymnastics Club Gymnastics Club is back up and running with new coach Lauren Bell. Where: Gym Hall When: Thursday’s Time: pm It is open for everyone to attend irrespective of ability!!! We hope to see as many of you there as possible!! All year groups Expiry date: 03/11/17

9 Inverness Wildlife Watch Club
NEW Starting on Monday the 6th of November (Monthly Meetings) Where Millburn Academy Library Time 6:30pm till 8pm Open to young people aged 11 to 16. If you are between 17 and 18 you can volunteer as a Young Ranger. For More Information Contact Andy McMahon Millburn Youth Development Officer All year groups Expiry date: 07/11/17

10 lunchtime to assist with this
Shoebox Helpers! Come along to room 206 any MONDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY lunchtime to assist with this year’s Appeal. All year groups Expiry date: 10/11/17

11 Brands – average £2 per tube
Shop SMART! EG Toothpaste Brands – average £2 per tube Smart price – 30p 6 boxes OR one box?? All year groups Expiry date: 03/11/17

12 If you are unable to attend you must let me know ASAP. Miss MacLeod
Rock Challenge 2018 DANCERS + BACKSTAGE REHERSALS MONDAY 3.40pm – 5pm See you there!! If you are unable to attend you must let me know ASAP. Miss MacLeod All year groups Expiry date: 13/11/17

ORCHESTRA 3.40–4.30pm CELLO ARMY 4.30–5.15pm All year groups Expiry date: 10/11/17

14 Have you ever wanted to learn how to solve your Rubik's Cube?
Rubik's Cube Club Have you ever wanted to learn how to solve your Rubik's Cube? Come to Room 206 every week on Wednesday’s at lunchtime. Make sure you bring your own rubik's cube. All year groups Expiry date: 08/11/17

15 Poppy Scotland Fundraiser
Prefects will be selling Poppies for a donation during information sharing all of next week Dress Down Day £1 Theme: RED Friday 10th November Poppy Scotland provides life-changing support to our Armed Forces community. It reaches out to those who have served, those still serving and their families during times of crisis and need by offering vital, practical advice, assistance and funding. All year groups Expiry date: 10/11/17

16 Final request for any S1/2 boys hockey players who want to order kit.
Boys Hockey Kit Final request for any S1/2 boys hockey players who want to order kit. You must submit your form by Thursday 2nd November as the order will be submitted on Friday. S1-2 Expiry date: 02/11/17

17 Ski Trip There is a meeting for all those going on the Ski Trip on Thursday 2nd November in the PE classroom. Also, the next payment for the ski trip is due in by Friday 3rd November. All data sheets should be returned by now!!  S2-3 Expiry date: 02/11/17

18 Biology Supported Study for S3-6 is beginning TODAY (Wednesday)
Biology & Biscuits Biology Supported Study for S3-6 is beginning TODAY (Wednesday) from pm. S3-6 Expiry date: 01/11/17

19 PE Study Support National & Higher
When? Thursday’s after school. Where? PE classroom Use the study club for catching up on unit assessments or to develop your knowledge in the theory side of the course. Each session there will be a focus as outlined in the table below: 2nd November Factors 9th November Gathering Data 16th November Approaches to Develop Performance 23rd November Target Setting 30th November Model Performers 7th December Monitoring and recording 14th December Scenarios 11th January Choice S3-6 Expiry date: 11/01/18

20 Electoral Register Reminder You must register to vote before you can vote in UK elections or referendums. Further information can be found online or with the guidance department. Your vote matters. Don’t lose it. S4-6 Expiry date: 03/11/17

21 S4-6 Army Work Experience Opportunity   The Army have allocated some further dates for their Work Experience Residential Programme at Cameron Barracks.  Work Experience for School pupils only will be available from the 13-17th November 2017 and 19-23th March Please see your Guidance teacher or Mr Croall ASAP, if interested. S4-6 Expiry date: 03/11/17

22 Careers Appointments Please attend for interview in Interview Room 3 at the start of the period shown Period 1 and 2 Aiden Smart S6/M Period 3 Unavailable Period 4 Emily Logan S5/G Period 5 Eve MacDonald S5/M Period 6 Aulay Stevenson S6/G Period 7 Maryam Mahmudi S6/G S5-6 Expiry date: 02/11/17

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