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Big Question: WWI: The Great War

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Presentation on theme: "Big Question: WWI: The Great War"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Question: WWI: The Great War 1914- 1918
What were the causes of WWI and how did the war mark a major change in the progression of history into the modern world?

2 World War I Vocabulary Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
Archduke Ferdinand League of Nations Treaty of Versailles Fourteen Points Central Powers Triple Alliance Triple Entente Trench Foot War Bonds Allied Powers Woodrow Wilson *Totalitarianism Armistice Propaganda Weaponry *Mobilization Red Scare Great Migration Munitions Factory Victory Gardens Schleiffen Plan Trench Warfare

3 War Breaks Out in Europe
What were the causes of The Great War? Lusitania Archduke Franz Ferdinand M.A.I.N.

4 Trench Warfare: Table Activity

5 New Weapons in WWI
Enter PHOTO Gallery Click on WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT Research and print pictures of the New Weapons in WW I U-boat Machine gun Tank Poison gas Airplane PASTE onto page in ISN

6 America Joins the Fight
How did America affect World War I?

7 Convoy System


9 Coded message Activity
Create a “message” in code in response to the Zimmerman telegram You are writing to Great Britain’s prime minister: David Lloyd George. You are the ambassador from the US: George Marshall At least 2 sentences. Create an “alphabet” with numbers, symbols, etc.

10 “Decode” With partner, decode another “partner” groups message.
Write it on the half sheet of paper. Answer these questions on same paper. What was easy about the code? What was the most difficult? Give back to partner group and they will correct it. Hand in with code, coded message, answer key, and half sheet all stapled with NAMES on front

11 Life on the Home Front How did World War I affect America?

12 Poster Activity Research propaganda war posters using these links or find one on your own. Find one you like and “copy” it to a word doc. Bottom half of word doc: Answer all questions: Write your opinion on how “persuasive” it is. What “grabbed” your attention? Why would the image or words get you to support the war? How does the poster make you feel? Fill out Studying Posters and staple it to poster. Print it out. DUE TODAY When done: Research the Swine Flu of Write a summary.

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