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Science Innovations ТУЛПАР-ИНТЕХ Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Innovations ТУЛПАР-ИНТЕХ Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Innovations ТУЛПАР-ИНТЕХ Technologies

2 Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Industrial Complex
Place of realization: Astana city industrial park Industry: Precision instrumentation, electronics, information technology, used in various industries. Development and implementation of high-tech, innovations. Fundamental and applied research in the subject areas with a yield of finished samples ready for commercial production, integrated solutions production. Preparation of highly skilled scientists and engineers. Uniqueness of the project: Absence of similar projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS region

3 Tasks and goals of the complex:
Active support and participation in the implementation of the State program of accelerated industrial - innovative development; - The release of an innovative competitive products; - Commercialization of projects; - The production of high value added products; - Import substitution and export of products; implementation of “Education - Science - Production“ chain; creation of new jobs for science and professional development; business incubation and etc.   ресурсо и энергосберегающие технологии; широкое международное сотрудничество. ИННОВАЦИИ

4 The noted complex planned as a center for the development of Kazakhstan's electronics, instrumentation and high technologies. Line of products: Equipment for the diagnosis and assessment of rails. 2 . Devices providing electronic communications to the public. 3 . Devices that control the mining industry. 4 . Devices providing diagnostics of health. 5 . Devices providing communication and control the country's defense. 6. Devices providing an effective method of exploration. 7. The device providing electronic control, communication and monitoring in agriculture. 8. Devices providing environmental monitoring. 9. The device providing climate monitoring Instrumentations The device providing communication and energy management. 14. Devices providing navigation and communication management. 15. Devices used in space exploration . ИННОВАЦИИ

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