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Teeth & Bite Mark Evidence

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Presentation on theme: "Teeth & Bite Mark Evidence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teeth & Bite Mark Evidence
Forensic Odontology Teeth & Bite Mark Evidence

2 The Importance of Forensic Odontology
A forensic investigation of teeth will help to determine: Individual identification Mass disaster identification Bite mark analysis

3 An Understanding of Teeth
Teeth begin to appear at 6 months of age and all should have emerged by age 3. Humans have 20 baby teeth. Between the ages of 7-21 years all of the baby teeth should have been replaced with permanent teeth. Adults have 32 permanent teeth. This includes the four wisdom teeth. Teeth are the hardest substance in the body.

4 The 4 types of the Teeth Incisors Canines Premolars Molars

5 Identification using Teeth
Identity of a skeleton can often be determined by comparing the teeth features in the skull to dental records. Unusual features including the number and types of teeth and fillings, the spacing of the teeth, and/or special dental work (bridges, false teeth, root canals) help to make a positive identification.

6 Example of a Dental Record
Today, most people have a dental record. Dental records have information about the condition of each tooth and this information is compared to the postmortem report.

7 Dental Work That Makes Teeth Unique
Dental Crown Dental Fillings

8 Dental Work That Makes Teeth Unique (cont)
Dental Extraction Dental Bridge

9 Postmortem Dental Information will include any unique dental features

10 Lifestyle Effect on Teeth will also help to identify the body
First, the before death and postmortem X-rays are compared. Next, the investigator will look for other lifestyle indications from the teeth. For example, smoking.

11 Lifestyles and Teeth Mouth of a smoker Mouth of a Meth user

12 Bite Mark Evidence Forensic odontologists will also work on cases that involve bite mark evidence. Bite marks are found when teeth are used as weapons.

13 Bite Mark Evidence Bite mark evidence is controversial because skin is elastic and distortable. The accuracy of this evidence is often questioned by the court, many bite mark cases are overturned. However, this evidence is very helpful in excluding suspects. Many times the saliva on the bite mark allows DNA analysis.

14 Ted Bundy The Ted Bundy Case is a very famous bite mark case. Bundy had a very unusual bite and was convicted on this evidence.

15 Ted Bundy and his teeth configuration that caused the unusual bite

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