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Class Starter Write a DR if the statement refers to the Democratic Republican or an F if the statement refers to the Federalist Party or B for Both Believed.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Starter Write a DR if the statement refers to the Democratic Republican or an F if the statement refers to the Federalist Party or B for Both Believed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Starter Write a DR if the statement refers to the Democratic Republican or an F if the statement refers to the Federalist Party or B for Both Believed in strict interpretation of the Constitution Believed in Republicanism Believed agriculture was the future of the nation Believed in rule by the Elite Believed in a strong central government.

2 Extra Vocabulary for Unit 3
Domestic policy: administrative decisions which are directly related to all issues and activity within a nation's borders. Foreign policy: a government's strategy in dealing with other nations. Writ of Mandamus: an order from a court to an inferior gov’t official ordering the gov’t official to properly fulfill their official duties or correct an abuse of discretion.

3 Jefferson’s Administration

4 Decentralizing the Government
Decreases size of military. Eliminated internal taxes reducing Bank of U.S.’s influence. Halted expansion of the navy. Lowered expenses of government social functions. Favored free trade.

5 The Supreme Court The (Midnight Judges Act) Judiciary Act of 1801 reorganized the Judiciary expanding power of the federal gov’t. John Adams signed last minute appointments to Federal Courts (midnight judges) to exert Federalist influence. William Marbury didn’t receive his commission. Jefferson ordered Madison (Secretary) not to mail the remaining commissions.

6 The Supreme Court Marbury sued Madison (Marbury v. Madison) claiming provision in Judiciary Act of 1789 gives Supreme court Writ of Mandamus. John Marshall ruled that the Supreme Court did not have power to issue Writ of Mandamus. Declared that provision unconstitutional setting precedent of Judicial Review giving supreme court power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.

7 Louisiana Purchase April 30th, 1803
Robert Livingston & James Monroe without consult, signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty in Paris. Jefferson struggled with his “Strict Interpretation” policy. It was unclear of the Constitutional power of the president to purchase land, but the Senate later ratified it. The purchase added land west of the Mississippi to the United States, doubling size its size and securing access to Mississippi River and New Orleans. July 4th, the Louisiana Purchase is publicly announced.

8 Maps of the Louisiana Purchase

9 Lewis and Clark Expedition
January 18, 1803 Jefferson asks Congress for funds to explore the land west of the Mississippi. His goal is to find a water route to the Pacific and gather information on tribes and the geography. May 1804 (Corps of Discovery) Meriwether Lewis and William Clark depart on the expedition. They were helped by their Native American guide Sacajawea. Recorded valuable information about the western lands. Jefferson was reelected in 1804.

10 Foreign Troubles Embargo act of 1807-(Ban on Exporting)
Causes Britain and France’s fighting threatened American shipping. Britain blockaded France and began seizing American ships. Cargo was confiscated. American men drafted into British navy “impressments.” June 1807, USS Chesapeake fired upon by the British vessel the HMS Leopard killing three Americans and wounding 18.

11 Foreign Troubles Embargo act of 1807-(Ban on Exporting)
Effects Hurt the American economy, particularly the Northern region because Great Britain became a trading power using Spanish colonies. 1809, embargo was lifted except with France and Britain.

12 Review How did the Louisiana Purchase change the power of the presidency? Did Jefferson have the right to buy the Louisiana territory?

13 Foldable Foldable: Foreign and Domestic Policy Events, from

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